Wednesday 14 September 2011

County Council funding

Each Worcestershire County Councillor has £10,000 to give away to local groups and projects in their areas. The money is to be used to improve people's lives and so is available for a wide range of activities.
This information has been supplied by the Diocesan Commission for Social Responsibility.  
Worcestershire Councillors' Divisional Fund Scheme
This scheme allocates each Worcestershire County Councillor £10,000 per year, from 1st August 2011, to deploy for the benefit of their respective Divisions. It is intended that this money should be for the economic, social or environmental well-being of the Division, but there is a wide range of activities and services that can be supported.

It is important that this money should be used for the most deserving causes and, in consequence.  While products and services may be purchased from commercial companies, they should be used for the benefit of the community as a whole or a group such as the Scouts, a sporting club or a charity or other voluntary group.

All the projects supported must conform to the Council's policies and the details of all grants made will published on the Council website, in accordance with the Council policy of transparency in financial dealings.
Cllr Hardman said: "The role of the local member is to lead their communities and this is a new and innovative way of embracing the principles of localism to support truly local initiatives.
"I believe that giving them control over how they support local projects will assist them in that role and will help ensure the funding support the County Council provides is directed at those groups and projects which need it most."
While the money is apportioned in twelve month periods, it does not have to be allocated all at the same time. Nevertheless it is likely that decisions will not be made early in the year for expensive projects, as other worthy ideas may arise in later months that might not otherwise be funded.

Information on the details of the Fund will be made available on the County's website soon, but I would be happy to hear now of any person or group that had ideas for this expenditure. While it is possible for Councillors to pool their allocation of funds for group projects, the relative isolation of the Tenbury Division leads me to expect that I will not be getting involved in such joint enterprises.

Please use the application and guidance note below.  Also attached is a list of County Councillors.
List of County Councillors

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