Thursday 28 October 2010

Spurgeon's Christmas resources

More FREE Christmas resources now available online!

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that we've added even more free items to the package of resources, which you can download from our website. These include:

DRAMA SKETCH - The Rich List

COLOURING SHEET - Perfect for engaging children with Sami's story in your Sunday school or Christmas services.

THE OTHER SIDE OF SAMI'S STORY - PowerPoint presentation showing the reality of life for AIDS orphans in the slums of Kibera and how Spurgeons Academy is transforming many lives. Optional presentation available for anyone interested in sponsoring a child like Sami.

KIBERA FACTSHEET - Useful facts to include in a talk or presentation.

I look forward to hearing how you are using Sami and the Ultimate Christmas Gift to encourage many people to support our work among some of the poorest and most disadvantaged children in Africa and here in the UK.

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