The Department for Children Youth and Education put in a bid last year for a special fund to encourage churches, young people, children and youth groups to place a greater emphasis on spiritual activities with their groups. If you and your group are wanting to do something spiritual then we can encourage you with some funding to help with resources. Please note those churches with a Bronze, Silver or Gold Worcester Spirit Mark will get preference to ensure that the money goes, as a priority, to those churches which have demonstrated that they are Children and Youth friendly churches. If you would like to get the Worcester Spirit Mark, see our website or get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.
About the Fund:
SpiritED is a fund from the Department for Children Youth and Education in the Diocese of Worcester to encourage churches in the Diocese of Worcester to help those under 18 explore spirituality and prayer.
If you are running a group with children and young people and want to add or improve the spiritual element of your work but need some help to resource that then this fund is for you!
You can apply for up to £50 simple funding or £100 matched funding (if the children/young people raise their own money).
Some preference will be given to new initiatives but existing projects can also receive funding.
Preference will be given to churches with the Worcester Spirit Mark as this demonstrates that they are a children and youth friendly church.
Any group within the Diocese of Worcester working with children or young people in an Anglican setting can apply.
Some preference will be given to new initiatives but existing projects can also receive funding.
Funding is conditional on completing feedback on how the money was spent.
All applications will be considered on Funding will be allocated on 4th April. All applications must be received by last post on FRIDAY 1st April.
For further information contact:
The Old Palace,
Worcester WR1 2JE.
01905 732825
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