Well this would have been a useful book a few years back!
The Journey of Christian Initiation
by Paul Avis, Martin Davie, Harriet Harris, Christopher Hill & Stephen Platten
It's described as:
This helpful volume sets out to clarify the Church of England’s thinking about baptism, confirmation and admission to communion, and addresses some very practical questions in relation to ministry in this area.Discussion of the topic is grounded in the New Testament and the early Church, and is traced through the development of the Church’s theology and practice of initiation from the mediaeval and Reformation periods up to the present. Drawing on the Book of Common Prayer (1662), the Thirty-nine Articles and Common Worship, as well as on Scripture and the Church’s tradition, it sheds light on contemporary practice and understanding, which can – and do - vary locally.
Anglican approaches to Christian initiation are also explored in relation to those of other churches.
Hopefully a useful read now for churches thinking about admission to holy communion before confirmation and considering that age old question of "what age confirmation?"
Not read it yet as it's just out but hope to get hold of a copy soon.
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