Thursday 18 February 2010

New resources

I've just invested in some new resources for our WARes after some conversations with parishes about what they could use.

Firstly we have an inflatable cube which can be used for games or as a great sermon illustration.

I've also got some new resources from Proost for creative prayer in the form of Creation Stations and some pocket liturgies. Have a look at their downloadable reources for use in your work especially their current lent resources.

I've also bought some other multimedia resources from One Small Barking Dog including video clips which you can use in worship and others which you can use to create your own worship movies.

If you'd be interested in borrowing any of these do get in touch.

I'm still working on expanding our library of books on youth work including some classics such as
Making Sense of Generation Y: The World View of 15- to 25-year-olds by Mayo Collins and Mayo, The Art of Youth Work by Kerry Young, Mend the gap: Can the Church Reconnect the Generations? by Jason Gardner and Informal Education by Jeffs and Smith.

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