Thursday, 16 December 2010

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Tryangle Awards

The Tryangle Awards 2011 for Worcestershire are now open for nominations.

While the rest of the county is counting down to Christmas, Worcestershire County Council is counting down to receiving this year's annual Tryangle Awards nominations, launched on 1 December.

The county council is once again asking for nominations for any young person, aged between 11 and 19 years old, whose good work, courage or achievement would otherwise go unrecognised.

And it is making it even easier for people in Worcestershire to make their nominations, by inviting them to do it online via

Nominations for the awards – which are in their sixth year – are welcome from anyone who is involved with young people, such as teachers, youth workers, sports coaches and volunteers, even family and friends put a young person forward for an award.

Councillor Marcus Hart, Worcestershire County Council's cabinet member for education said: "The Tryangle Awards offer an excellent opportunity to put into the spotlight many young people who so often go unrecognised. The awards are a chance for us all to give those unsung heroes the recognition they deserve and highlight the hard work and value they bring to their communities here in Worcestershire.

"Now we need the help of Worcestershire's residents to put that spotlight on them."

People interested in finding out more or making a nomination should call Worcestershire County Council's Youth Support on 01905 765417.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Advent Conspiracy

How about looking at Advent in a whole new way... as a conspiracy!

Nice theory shown in this video:

Advent Conspiracy from Morning Star Church on Vimeo.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

New Grief/Loss support guidance have a new section offering guidance on supporting young people through grief and loss. Download their useful PDF here.


UK Youth
A wide range of training courses is provided by UK Youth for people who work with young people. Many courses take place in Birmingham. Rates start at about £100 per delegate. Take a look at their training calendar.

Small Grant Fund

The Mental Health Promotion Programme is pleased to announce Round 14 of the Small Grant Fund to promote well being in Dudley.

The Small Grant Fund is focused around developing projects to promote mental health and well being to ensure people are well informed to look after their mental health and that of others. This may be in relation to the following key areas:

  • Communities violence and abuse
  • Young People
  • Combating stigma and discrimination
  • Later life
  • Parents and early years

  • Employment

This is non-recurrent funding and is intended to give initial funding or allow for pilot work to take place.

Applications are welcome from voluntary, community and faith groups. Successful applicants will be required to submit their bids in line with guidelines. Please note: Capital resources should not be a major cost within the bid but may be considered in view of the total bid application.

All bids must be submitted by 10th December 2010.

To request an application form please contact:
Kathy De Cicco, Mental Health Promotion Programme, Public Health, NHS Dudley,
St Johns House, Union Street, Dudley, DY2 8PP.
Tel: 01384 321913.

Free Training Opportunity

Dudley CVS are holding £10,000 from the Children’s Workforce Development Council, via DMBC Children’s Services, to help support the training needs of voluntary, community and faith groups working with children, young people and families. This training could be for paid staff, volunteers or members of the management committee. The training could be used to make your organisation more efficient or to improve the skills and knowledge of your workforce.

We are trying to identify what training you think would help your group.
This might include:

  • dealing with bullying
  • conflict resolution
  • paediatric first aid
  • evaluation with young people
  • children’s development
  • engaging with parents
  • creative arts and young people
  • substance misuse
  • participation
  • sexual health
  • mentoring

These are only examples, to ensure that we are meeting the needs of your group could you please contact Dudley CVS with your ideas on what training would help your group.

We will be putting together a training programme in early 2011, based on your responses. We will be looking to provide a diverse selection of training, across all age ranges.

Arnie is also looking for details on any issues which might prevent anyone from your group accessing training eg transport costs, childcare, etc.

Arnie is also trying to identify potential training providers from the voluntary, community and faith sector who may be able to provide some of the training programme. Please
contact Dudley CVS if you think your group might be able to offer part of the training programme.

Football Competition

Speaking Out Conference - Book Your Free Place Now!

The 2010 annual Children England and NCVYS Speaking Out conference, Under the spotlight – unlocking community potential, is taking place on Thursday 9th December (9.30am – 4.30pm) at The Royal Horticultural Halls, Westminster, 80 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2PE.

This year’s conference will look at the increased focus on voluntary and community organisations because of the enhanced role they are expected to play in the Big Society. Speakers Include; Helen Stephenson, Deputy Director from the Office for Civil Society, Fay Selvan, CEO of Big Life group and blogger Tim Davies Co-director of Practical Participation.

The day will also include a panel discussion and seminars providing an opportunity for local, regional and national policymakers to network with colleagues in the sector and discuss key issues affecting children and young people in some of the most challenging areas of frontline delivery

If you would like to book a place please email


Enter the Samsung Fives.....

We are delighted to take this opportunity to offer you and your team-mates the opportunity to experience the Samsung Wave as the winners of the Samsung Fives 2010 at Goals Star City.

All you need to do is enter a team of eight in our tournament on the Sunday 5th December 2010. The winning team will represent Goals Star City at the National Final at Goals Birmingham Star City on the 12th December where you will compete for the chance to experience the Samsung Wave mobile phone (one for each member of your team) plus VIP Match Day Hospitality at Stamford Bridge to see the current Premiership Champions, Chelsea, in action.

In addition every team that enter will receive:

  • FREE Umbro Football for every team that enters
  • A case of soft drink ( for the first 10 teams that enter and pay £10 deposit)
  • A FREE weekend pitch
  • Automatic entry into a Prize draw to win 1 of 8 Samsung Wave Handsets

The winners of each Qualifying Heat will also receive:

  • A Month of FREE Football ( 4 weeks of a league session or a 4 week block booking)

National Champions will receive:

Samsung wave:

  • play movies and HD videos on the Super AMOLED
  • Crates a slideshow and browse the photos just by tilting the phone
  • Flick through your albums and create play lists with the music jukebox
  • Watch the latest TV with the BBC iplayer widget

VIP Match Day Hospitality at Stamford Bridge

  • A Pre-Match 3 course meal
  • Complimentary refreshments
  • VIP seats at Stamford Bridge

There are a limited number of pitches available and it will be first come first served so get dialling.

Kirsty Downey Assistant Manager Goals Birmingham

Star City, Watson Road, Birmingham, B7 5SA

T- 0121 326 6644 Web: Email:

Job Vancancies

YSS Job Vacancies

Manager – Full time
Administrator - Full time
Anyone who is interested in these vacancies can download the information from their website.

Closing date:12.00 Noon Friday 26 November 2010

Interviews: Week commencing 6 December 2010

Worcestershire County Council OftSted

A Statement from

Gail Quinton

Director of Children's Services

"An Announced Inspection of the Safeguarding Services and Looked After Children Services provided by Worcester Children's Services and partners took place in October. The findings of this inspection, which was carried out by Ofsted from October 4 to 15, have now been published. Go to for a copy.

Inspectors have graded our overall effectiveness for safeguarding services as inadequate and capacity for improvement as adequate, with five immediate areas for improvement. In the area of services for looked after children, we have been graded as adequate, with capacity for improvement also being rated adequate.

The publication of these inspection findings follow on from Ofsted's unannounced inspection of our contact, referral and assessment arrangements, which took place on July 6 and 7 this year.

Ensuring our most vulnerable children are protected and remain protected is our highest priority. We recognise the purpose of these inspections to continuously drive improvement and are already working on making the immediate and short-term improvements and working in the right direction towards effectively achieving the long-term actions.

The inspectors recognised that we have taken immediate action since the unannounced inspection in July and that while some of our changes are at an early stage, they are the right steps and that we do have the capacity to improve.

For more information, please contact Siobhan Williams, Head of Safeguarding and Services to Children and Young People."

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

First Light Youth Film Fund - Pilot Awards

Financial assistance is available to organisations to make a short film of less than five minutes. The film should be made by young people aged 5-18 years, collaborating with film professionals.

Up to £5,000 is available, covering 80% of total costs.

First Light was set up to provide funding and inspiration for the development, production and exhibition of short films made by young people across the UK - films that represent and embrace the diversity of their lives, stories and dreams.

Organisations can get funding to make a short film of less than five minutes long. The film should be made by the young people themselves, collaborating with film professionals. The intention is to encourage fruitful, creative partnerships between organisations that work with young people, filmmakers and the film industry.
Latest Information

The current deadline is 11 January 2011.

Eligible organisations include:

* Community or amateur groups.
* Colleges or universities.
* Schools.
* Trusts or foundations.
* Local authorities.
* Youth groups.
* Voluntary organisations.

Organisations must have:

* A written constitution.
* A dedicated bank account in the name of the organisation.
* A track record of working with 5-18 year olds.
* Film-making experience.

Applications should be able to demonstrate:

* A creative, innovative, imaginative filmmaking idea.
* How the project will reach young filmmakers who may not have previously had access to filmmaking opportunities.
* How young people will be involved at all stages of the project and what benefits they will gain including:
o Developing team work skills.
o Develop increased skills in filmmaking, information communication technology (ICT), literacy and communication.
o Learn transferable life skills and become more aware of their own learning.
o Gaining fun and enjoyment through working on a filmmaking project.
* Strength of support, including any collaborations or partnerships involved. Evidence should be provided that the project is suitably staffed and the organisation is capable of carrying out the idea.
* A well researched budget that shows value for money.

First Light will fund the following activities:

* Films where young people (aged 5 - 18 years) take a lead role in all aspects of the production process.
* Live action, animated fiction or creative documentaries.
* Films that explore and develop creative filmmaking techniques with people aged 5-18.
* Films that are under 5 minutes long.
* Films made in the UK, primarily involving young people who live in the UK.

The cost of buying equipment is eligible, but up to a limit of 10% of the total project cost.
Match Funding Restrictions

Up to 80% of overall costs will be covered to a maximum of £5,000. Applicants must demonstrate 20% of matched funding.

An organisation cannot have two First Light awards running at the same time.

The scheme will not fund:

* Films that promote an organisation or its activities, campaigning or fund-raising vehicles.
* Music promo videos.
* Training videos.
* Multimedia or web projects.
* 'Making of' documentaries.
* Straightforward recordings of arts (or other) events.
* TV style magazine programmes, video diaries or vox pops.
* Pilots for longer films.
* Films that are over five minutes long.

For further information email

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

CPAS Making Mission Possible events

Making Mission Possible events.

This new programme of events will help train, equip and inspire lay and ordained leaders in churches across the country to be more mission-focused in their ministries.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

Growing Leaders – Training the Trainers

Date: 5 February 2011, 10am to 4pm

Location: CPAS, Athena Drive, WARWICK CV34 6NG

Cost: £22 (group discounts available)

Mission agents: This event will be led by James Lawrence

Book your place online or call CPAS on 01926 458458.

Thank you for your help. We’ve already sent out invitations to various lay and ordained church leaders in the area, but with your help these Making Mission Possible events can be even more effective in equipping lay and ordained leaders for mission.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Roots Advent resource

WAITING FOR GOD: An Advent calendar for all ages

The ROOTS’ Advent Calendar 2010 helps to remind us of some of the many words, images and names given to Jesus in Scripture. A mixture of active, prayerful and practical suggestions to help us prepare to celebrate Christmas.

Follow this link to download a pdf of the Advent calendar in colour or black and white,

plus more of our free introductory material.

If you would like printed copies of the calendar for mailings, or more information,

email Allison Ward at

Christmas Activities

Why not take your group Ice Skating this Winter?

Webbs of Hagley will be having a real ice rink installed from 20th November to 9th January 2011. Groups of 10 get the 11th ticket free.

For all group bookings please contact Webbs, West Hagley and ask for Paul Barnard or Sarah Lammas. Ring 01562 700511or email or

Worcestershire County Council Survey for the Voluntary and Community Sector

WCC will have less money to spend in the future and will need to reduce services. Before the council makes decisions about which services will be reduced in the 'spend less, do less' approach, it wants as much public opinion as possible to inform its decisions. The council carried out some consultation work over the summer, thank you if you helped with this; the results identified a number of medium and high priority services but the council now needs to explore this further and understand which of these priority services are most important to residents. The council are keen to ensure that all sections of the community have an opportunity to respond to this survey and feed in their views on council services so please do feel free to make other people aware of the consultation.

You can have your say by clicking on the link for an online version of the survey.

Surveys are also available in libraries, customer service centres, children's centres, registry offices and in the local newspapers.

The closing date for responses is Monday 22nd November.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Funding opportunities

Veolia Environmental Trust:
Apply anyime, no deadlines

Size of grant available: Up to £100,000 for projects costing less than £500,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: Support community/environmental projects such as play areas, skate parks, footpaths, green spaces, natural habitats, community halls, churches

Additional information: Projects need to be within 5 miles of a Veolia operated site and they must meet the criteria under one of the 5 funding categories (see website)

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation:
Large grants, deadline for applications 30th November 2010

Size of grant available: £10,000-£30,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: One of their two overarching themes is tackling urban deprivation through projects dealing with community support, disability/healthcare and art/education/heritage

Additional information: Will only provide funding for capital appeals. In 2008/9 the average large grant was just under £19,000

See Website

Faiths in Action:
Applications can be submitted at any time, however, there’s not much money remaining so organisations should apply as soon as possible

Size of grant available: Up to £6,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: Supports local projects for faith, inter faith, voluntary and community sector organisations providing activities for women and young people

Additional information: Grants must be spent by 31st March 2011 on either new or existing activities


Dulverton Trust:
Minor grants programme, no deadlines, trustees meet 4 times a year
Size of grant available: Up to £3,500

Aims and outcomes of funder: Priority is given to organisations working in areas of severe deprivation with projects around general welfare and youth/education (main focus)

Additional information: Minor grants available for smaller organisations (income up to £400,000 per annum)


Freemasons Grand Charity:
Non-Masonic grants, next deadline 26th November 2010

Size of grant available: £500-£5,000 for core funding to smaller charities

Aims and outcomes of funder: Support vulnerable people e.g. those with disabilities/healthcare needs, the elderly and babies as well as youth opportunities

Additional information: Organisations must apply to the Provincial Grand Lodge of the region in which they operate


Thursday, 28 October 2010

WHY DO young people...?

Whydo is a new website to help adults understand young people. Adults can ask questions which then young people will try to answer for them.

Example questions on the site are:

  • why are teenagers always on facebook or msn?
  • what does a wink in an email mean?
  • Why do a lot of young girls want to become 'glamour models' ?
There is also a chance for adults to "Walk in the shose young people" in an adventures choice style video here.

Inter Faith Week in England 2010

Inter Faith Week in England 2010
From 21 to 27 November national Inter Faith Week takes place in England and Wales. The Week in England is led by the Inter Faith Network for the UK,, in consultation with the Department for Communities and Local Government; the Department for Education; the Local Government Association and the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Enquiries about the Week: Tel: 020 7931 7766 or email:

West Midlands for 2012 launches the Games and Me

Following the launch of Worcestershire's 'Inspired?' Toolkit (and Small Grant Scheme), the West Midlands region is continuing the theme of 'inspiration' with an initiative called 'The Games and Me'. People can find inspiration in many different forms and be inspired in many different ways. Inspiration (in its many different forms) always precedes change and in these difficult times the 'Inspired?' Toolkit and 'The Games and Me' initiative are testimony to the once in a lifetime inspiration the Olympic and Paralympic Games can generate.

There are hundreds of London 2012 inspired activities and events that are happening all across the West Midlands right now, so why not get involved and create your own Games and Me story! Read more:

For the launch of The Games and Me each of the West Midlands regions featured a sub-regional story and Worcestershire was represented by Alex. Alex's Games and Me Story - Read more

Spurgeon's Christmas resources

More FREE Christmas resources now available online!

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that we've added even more free items to the package of resources, which you can download from our website. These include:

DRAMA SKETCH - The Rich List

COLOURING SHEET - Perfect for engaging children with Sami's story in your Sunday school or Christmas services.

THE OTHER SIDE OF SAMI'S STORY - PowerPoint presentation showing the reality of life for AIDS orphans in the slums of Kibera and how Spurgeons Academy is transforming many lives. Optional presentation available for anyone interested in sponsoring a child like Sami.

KIBERA FACTSHEET - Useful facts to include in a talk or presentation.

I look forward to hearing how you are using Sami and the Ultimate Christmas Gift to encourage many people to support our work among some of the poorest and most disadvantaged children in Africa and here in the UK.

Free Training Opportunity

Dudley CVS are holding £10,000 from the Children’s Workforce Development Council, via DMBC Children’s Services, to help support the training needs of voluntary, community and faith groups working with children, young people and families.

The £10,000 has been designated to the Children, Young People and Families Network, to provide training for the voluntary, community and faith sector. This training could be for paid staff, volunteers or members of the management committee. The training could be used to make your organisation more efficient or to improve the skills and knowledge of your workforce.

They are looking to identify what training members of the Network think would be most valuable. This might include:

  • dealing with bullying
  • conflict resolution
  • paediatric first aid
  • evaluation with young people
  • children’s development
  • engaging with parents
  • creative arts and young people
  • substance misuse
  • participation
  • sexual health
  • mentoring
These are only examples, what Dudley CVS need are details of the training you think would help your group.

They will be putting together a training programme in early 2011, based on your responses.

To ensure that they are meeting the needs of your group could you please contact Arnie (childrens (at) with a list of up to 5 areas of training, in order of importance, you think are the most significant for your group.
Dependant on your responses, they will be looking to provide a diverse selection of training, across all age ranges.

Arnie is also looking for details on any issues which might prevent anyone from your group accessing training eg transport costs, childcare, etc.

They are also trying to identify potential training providers from the voluntary, community and faith sector who may be able to provide some of the training programme. Please contact Arnie if you think your group might be able to provide part of the training programme.

BBC TV Performing Arts Fund

Young people’s musical theatre scheme, deadline 30th November 2010
Size of grant available: £500-£5,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: £200,000 available for organisations encouraging young people to take part in musical theatre

Additional information: Funding available for training/development of
organisation, attract new audiences to performances and attract new members to group


Westhill Endowment

Westhill Endowment: Apply anyime, no deadlines
Size of grant available: £1,000-£20,000. Also provide “in-kind” support – see website

Aims and outcomes of funder: Promoting education reflecting principles of Christianity and dialogue/educational interchange between the Christian Church and other faiths

Additional information: No application form, send project details in a simple and concise way by letter (maximum two pages of text) supported by a budget


Equitable Charitable Trust

Applications can be submitted at any time and are considered on a rolling basis by the Trustees
Size of grant available: £2,500-£30,000 (most £5,000-£20,000) for funding between 1 and 3 years

Aims and outcomes of funder: Educating young people, especially those with disabilities and/or from disadvantaged backgrounds both in the UK and developing countries

Additional information: Projects must focus on learning/development and/or National Curriculum/vocational learning opportunities, helping to increase participation/improve the quality of education

Web Site

Church Urban Fund: Mustard Seed Grants

Church Urban Fund: Mustard Seed Grants
apply anytime, no deadlines

Size of grant available: Up to £5,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: Enable churches/faith-based organisations in
deprived communities engage in social action supporting them to initiate/develop community work

Additional information: Projects must to be based in the local community and involve local people

Contact details: Telephone 020 7898 1647


Saturday, 18 September 2010

Life Call


What's God's plan for your life?
Is he calling you to lead?
Have you got what it takes?
How do you find out?

Big questions! And you probably have many more.

CPAS lifecall will help you begin to answer them.

Designed for people aged 16-25, this relaxed one-day event will help you explore God's call on your life and help you work out your 'next step'.

We'll explore what the Bible says about how God calls and guides. And you'll meet younger ordained or pioneer leaders who will talk honestly about their own calling, their current work and what life's really like in the job.

lifecall events are held several times of year in different parts of the country.

Cost: £20 per person. (The diocese can sponsor up to five places - contact Sarah Brush)Your church or diocese may pay for you to come. Refreshments and a light lunch are included.

You can book a place online below. For more information, to book by telephone, or for other vocations advice and support, contact Mark Norris at

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Celebrating Diversity Grants - Worcestershire

Application Deadline:
29 October 2010

Financial assistance is available to voluntary and community groups in Worcestershire for projects and activities that celebrate diversity within the county.

Fund Value: £ 5,000 Maximum Value: £ 1,000

Extended Description

The Celebrating Diversity Grants scheme is provided and administered by Worcestershire County Council as part of its annual Community Grants Programme.

Funding is intended to help voluntary and community groups contribute to the celebration of diversity in Worcestershire County through raising knowledge and understanding of different cultures and encouraging interaction. Grants should support opportunities for communities to experience and take part in creative activities around diversity.
Latest Information

Applications are due by 4.00 pm on 29 October 2010 with notification of a decision in January 2011.

Key Criteria

To be eligible, applicants must:

* Be a non-statutory organisation.
* Be formally constituted.
* Have a management committee.
* Have a bank or building society account in the name of the organisation with at least two unrelated signatories.
* Operate in the not-for-profit sector.
* Demonstrate their ability, through a grant award, to deliver benefit to the community within the period of the grant.
* Run activities that benefit residents of Worcestershire.
* Have activities that clearly contribute to or support the Council's funding priorities.

Projects will be assessed against the following criteria:

* Raise knowledge and understanding of the diversity that can be found within Worcestershire.
* Encourage interaction between local residents.
* Build strong and positive relationships between people from different backgrounds.
* Be accessible to the wider community.
* Show that the event is needed and that there is local demand for it.
* Show a relevant degree of planning and management.

Eligible Expenditure

Costs associated with events and activities that celebrate cultural diversity.

The following are not eligible for funding:

* The purchase of equipment or furniture.
* Fund-raising events.
* Ongoing costs.
* Events which recur annually.
* Groups that are politically affiliated or politically active.
* Activities or projects that promote religion or a political party. (Please note that faith-based groups who want to deliver community based projects may apply.)
* Groups that can fund the event themselves.

Application Procedure

Application packs are available on the Worcestershire County Council website when the scheme is available.

Applications can be submitted by registered post, by email to Stephanie Jones, or hand delivered to the VSC Unit in County Hall.

Contact the Council for further information.
Addresses and contacts

For further information on how to obtain this funding opportunity locally, please contact the following:

Contact details:
Rukshana Koser
Worcestershire County Council
Planning, Economy and Performance Directorate
County Hall
Spetchley Road
01905 766938

Contact details:
Suzy James
Worcestershire County Council
County Hall
Spetchley Road
01905 728650

Contact details:
Stephanie Jones
Worcestershire County Council
County Hall
Spetchley Road
01905 766885

Monday, 6 September 2010

Christian Aid Quiz Aid

In September Christian Aid is asking people to run a quiz event to raise money and have fun at the same time. Whether you are smart about sports, fanatical about film or in the know with general knowledge QuizAid is the event for you. Why not get the young people to organize a QuizAid in your church and challenge the adults?, If you would like to receive a free pack containing everything you need to run the event, give them a call on 0121 200 2283 or you can register online The pack contains an easy to follow guide, posters, press release template, fundraising ideas and, of course, the necessary questions and answers.

An Epiphany

There’s a new magazine made by young Christians for young Christians called Epiphany. I have a few copies in the office which will be at Rock the Cathedral but if you want to check it our for yourselves why not take a look at their website

Developing Youth Leaders - online at

CPAS is committed to developing youth leaders. They provide a wide range of information, resources and articles which you'll find on the developing youth leaders web pages.  Each month new resources are posted around a relevant theme.  Listen to podcasts on your mp3 player via iTunes or on the website. Sign up for the monthly e-bulletin to stay up
to date with what is new and available to download.

The Big Society

1. Getting to Grips with the Big Society event
The Voluntary Sector Network has teamed up with Dosti and national charity Urban Forum to run Getting to Grips with the Big Society. This FREE event will take place on Wednesday 22 September and is for voluntary, community and faith groups across Dudley, and Urban Forum members from across the region.
2. Big Society online chatter
I have been regularly scanning Big Society information posted on websites, blogs, twitter and so on. Websites and links which I found interesting or useful have now been added to a new Big Society page on Dosti's website.
Dosti volunteer Richard Jarrott is also scouring the internet for useful and interesting Big Society information and is provding a regular bulletin for anyone who subscribes. Click here to read the first bulletin. Click on the join our mailing list link near the bottom of this email to sign up to receive our Big Society bulletins directly.

I'm also blogging every now and again, with Big Society being a thread in my thinking. If you can access blog sites and are interested you'll find me at
3. Big Society down the pub!
Recognising that good discussions take place offline too, I'm offering to bring copies of the best Big Society information to informal discussions at the pub or in community settings. I'd also like to hear from you about what you know about Big Society, what you'd like to know, what you think the opportunities and threats are.
If you'd like to come along for a chat about Big Society I'll be downstairs in the Brewer's Wharf on the Waterfront in Brierley Hill on Thursday 2 September and Tuesday 14 September, from 12.30pm. Do let me know if you're thinking of coming along. There is a pay and display car park and they will refund your parking when you buy a drink or food. Food is reasonably priced with lots of 2 for 1 offers.

I'm happy to travel further afield in October, and do have either lunchtime or after work conversations. Please get in touch if you want to jointly arrange something.

Youth Work Week

The NYA is pleased to announce the return of Youth Work Week which will take place between 1st and 7th November to promote the value of youth work and raise its profile with politicians and the public. It will take the theme of 'celebrating great youth work. The agency will be producing a range of free resources to support the week.
For further information go to:

Using the Arts to Develop Aspiration, Leadership and Potential

Artsplan, the training and publications department of Artswork and the in-house training provider of ENYAN (English National Youth Arts Network) are pleased to announce the launch of a NEW Youth Arts Training Course: ‘Using the Arts to Develop Aspiration, Leadership and Potential’.
This new course is being run as a full day course 9.45 am- 4 pm on 16th November 2010 at Netherton Arts Centre in Dudley.

The one-day course has been developed following a period of research conducted by ENYAN into how participation in cultural activities can have a significant impact on young people’s development and can give young people the chance to develop important life skills such as creativity, confidence, self discipline, effective communication and the ability to work in teams.
This course is suitable for anyone seeking to use or develop the arts in their work with young people. It looks to demonstrate how the arts can be used as a mechanism to develop young people’s leadership skills, aspiration and potential. It celebrates inspirational examples of young people who have excelled through engagement in youth-led arts projects, continue to achieve well and are an inspiration to both the youth and cultural sectors at large. The course also benefits from being part facilitated by young people who have taken on leadership roles within a creative setting.
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance upon successful completion of the course and a wealth of practical resources. Prices for each course, which include lunch and refreshments, range from £110 to £150, with limited bursaries available. Please also remember that ENYAN members can request a 5% discount on all Artsplan publications and training!

To download the ENYAN ‘Young Arts Leaders’ campaign document visit:
For more information on the course and to book a place, please contact The Artsplan Team, on or call 02380 682 535.
To subscribe to ENYAN visit

Do you know someone incredible?

The search has begun for the people who you think should be recognised with a 2010 Dudley Volunteer Award.
Perhaps you know someone who makes a big difference by giving their own time to help others or their local community? A nomination could be a fantastic way to show just how much they mean.
Look out for our ‘Meet the real incredibles’ posters starring local people who scooped awards last year. We hope that they will get everyone thinking about the different things that volunteers do to make Dudley borough a better place.
We also hope that they will inspire you to nominate the incredible people who you know! You can put groups forward too as long as they do not include any paid staff members.
Awards range from community action and good neighbour honours, to Young Volunteer of the Year and the prestigious Gordon Lindsay Award for long service.

Nomination forms can be picked up from local libraries and Dudley Council Plus, downloaded from,
or contact Melissa Guest at Dudley CVS: Tel. 01384 267425, email.
The closing date is September 19th 2010.

Jesus Culture Tour

28 September, 2010 - 7:00 PM


Preaching From Banning Liebscher

Worship With Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Jesus Culture Band

Venue, Civic Hall, North Street, Wolverhampton UK, WV1 1RQ

Details - The one-night gatherings will be a night of: worship, prayer, preaching and ministry. Let's gather together and seek the Lord as we pursue His presence. We believe that God is releasing healing revivalist into cities and universities in your nation. Come and be a part of what God is doing.

Tickets - £8 (plus £1.50 booking fee)

Check us out at and if you have any questions please feel free to email us To book Please go to the website

Rock the Cathedral Video Competition

For Rock the Cathedral this year we’re going to be hearing from the voices of young people at the event via the big screen. We’re offering youth groups and youth bands from across the diocese the chance to feature in the on stage entertainment by producing a film of no more than 5 minutes. We’ll show the best films on the night and the prize for the top film of the night is a FLIP VIDEO CAMERA! I don’t mind what digital format the film comes in but we want to hear from YOU! Entries by Thursday 23rd September please!!

Christmas resources

If you’re looking for some resources for Christmas why not use the one of recent cinema films either the portrayal of the Biblical events in The Nativity (resources here)or the less reverent but funny and thought-provoking Nativity! (resources free to download here at Damaris.

Grahame Knox at Insight has some good suggestions for resources and Steve Griffiths at YouthworkInternational offers these ideas. Ian Macdonald at Youthblog lists an even more extensive collection of seasonal resources (and will no doubt be updating nearer the time with even more fabulous ideas!)

Check out my Christmas postings from previous years here too.

Free Group Activity: Through the Bible in 12 Weeks

By Jenny Baker | August 2010

12 Lessons to Help Students Navigate the Big PictureReading the Bible is one thing. Understanding it is another...Your young people need to see the Big Picture when they read the Bible—God's story rolling throughout our history, throughout lives.Share these 12 one-hour sessions with your teenagers and you'll see light bulbs pop on as they "get it"—and discover... •How a collection of ancient books interlock—revealing a master plan •What picture of God emerges from his interactions with people. •Where they fit into the continuing story—now and in the futureIf your teenagers till think of the Bible as a disjointed jumble of stories and history lessons, give them the perspective they need. Ground their faith and confidence in God's Word.All 12 lessons are highly experiential. Your teenagers will create a mural and add to it each week. By the end, they'll have a panoramic view of God's story as revealed in the Bible!

To download a free sample, click here.

Click here for information about this or other Group Publishing resources.

WCVYS Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 21st September 7.15pm at the Diocese of Worcester, The Old Palace, Deansway, Worcester WR1 2JE. Light refreshments available from 6.30pm.

All welcome to see examples of the superb youth work from the voluntary and community sector in Worcestershire. Go to for more details.

Have you got some time to support the work of WCVYS? We are looking for people to join our Executive Committee or task groups, such as training, CRB steering group and membership support. Nomination forms are available here for election at the AGM.

Major grants for community groups

Community groups are being called on to help Worcestershire County Council provide mental health support to local people as cost-effectively as possible.

A major new fund, which could see individual grants of up to £150,000 provided to a number of different voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations, is open for applications as part of the council's latest VCS Grants scheme.

It's just one of four different grants up for grabs.

Organisations that can provide activities for older people can apply for up to £5,000 each from the Supporting Community Based Activities For Older People pot.

Up to £5,000 is available from the Giving Older People A Voice fund, which aims to get older people involved with strategies, policies and service delivery.

Grants of up to £1,000 each are also available for events and activities that celebrate cultural diversity.

The council says it expects to get better value for money from groups that work closely with local communities, so the funds will go further and provide more help for people.

The mental health services need to support people who have suffered from psychological or emotional problems to return to a more normal way of life – known as reablement – and help them to look after themselves, their relationships, their homes and their thoughts and feelings. In many cases, the services will manage the switch from high intensity care to longer term support.

The County Council is working with the local NHS to offer the grant. Managers are keen for as many suitable organisations as possible to apply for a minimum of £5,000 each, so they can commission services from a number of different groups in various areas or with a variety of specialities.

The three-year grant is part of the council's Voluntary & Community Sector Grants Scheme, which regularly offers funding to local organisations.

Councillor Simon Geraghty, Worcestershire County Council's Cabinet Member for Planning, Economy & Performance, said: "This is one of the most significant rounds of grants we've offered to voluntary and community sector organisations. It shows how committed we are to working with local groups that understand the needs of our communities and can deliver the best value for money. We all know that public sector funding has to be reduced and we've all heard about the need for greater voluntary and community sector involvement. This is a great example of that principle being put into practice, for the good of people who need our help, so I hope to see an excellent response."

For full details of the four grants opportunities available in Round Six of Worcestershire County Council's VCS Grants scheme, interested organisations should visit or call 01905 728650 begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting.

The deadline for applications is Friday, October 29 at 4pm.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Further Funding Opportunities

National Grants

Big Lottery - Awards for All

The Awards for All programme aims to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. They fund projects that meet one or more of the following outcomes:

• People have better chances in life – with better access to training and development to improve their life skills.
• Stronger communities – with more active citizens working together to tackle their problems.
• Improved rural and urban environments – which communities are better able to access and enjoy.
• Healthier and more active people and communities.

Projects can apply for up to £10,000. For more information please see the website:

Comic Relief

Comic Relief has announced that its grants UK programmes are once again open for applications. Through the Comic Relief UK grant making programme funding is available through a number of programmes including the following:

• Mental health - Aims to promote the rights and support the recovery of people who have mental health problems, and to help them feel more included in society. It also aims to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.
• Domestic and sexual abuse - Aims to provide support for young people aged 11-25 who have witnessed or directly experienced domestic and sexual abuse
• Sport for Change - Using sport in delivering positive change within the lives of individuals and communities,
• Young People aged 11 – 25. This programme focuses on young people that are sexually exploited; suffer from alcohol abuse; and suffer from mental health problems.

In addition, Comic Relief operates a programme that support disadvantaged communities. This programme is devolved to the Community Foundation Network. Please contact your local Community Foundation directly for details of their funding application procedures.

The closing date for applications is the 3rd September 2010. Please see the website for more details.

Children in Need

BBC Children in Need are inviting not-for-profit organisations (including registered charities, voluntary organisations, schools, local authorities, churches, social enterprises, community interest groups, universities etc) working with disadvantaged children and young people 18 years and under, living in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands, to apply for funding through their grants schemes.

BBC Children in Need run two grant schemes.

• Small Grants of £10,000 or less per year for up to three years
• Main Grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years.

Funding is available to organisations, that work with young people who are suffering from:

• Illness
• Distress
• Abuse or neglect
• Are disabled
• Have behavioural or psychological difficulties
• Are living in poverty or situations of deprivation

The next deadline is the 15th October 2010.

Youth in Focus – Big Lottery
Through Youth in Focus the Big Lottery are making up to £30 million available for projects in England that support vulnerable young people through difficult changes in their lives. The fund is targeted at young people that fall into the following categories:
• Young carers - Helping young people between the ages of 10 and 25 to be heard and get better access to practical advice and services, which can support their day to day lives.
• Young people leaving care - Supporting young people between the ages of 10 and 25, so they get better access to education, housing, healthcare and employment advice and services.
• Young people leaving youth offenders’ institutions - Helping young people between the ages of 15 and 25 to develop their life skills and get better access to services, particularly young men with learning difficulties and young women.

The Big Lottery want to fund projects that work with the young people being targeting to:

• Improve confidence, skills and knowledge - so they can better deal with the life events that affect them.
• Provide more effective support that is joined up with other services - so they can tackle challenges better.

To bring about these changes we’ll expect applicants to:

• target one or more of the groups that our Youth in Focus programme aims to support
• involve the young people who will benefit throughout, from the earliest stages
• form a partnership of voluntary, public or private sector organisations with relevant expertise, led by a voluntary sector organisation
• make sure that the benefits of the project carry on after our funding ends, and
• share what they have learnt with us and others.

If your project meets the programme outcomes listed above then you may be eligible to apply for a grant of between £500,000 and £1,000,000 (£1,500,000 for England-wide projects that raise national awareness). You can apply to Youth in Focus if you are a partnership led by a voluntary and community sector organisation. Please see the website for more information.

The Hedley Foundation

Funding is available under the following two categories:

• Young people: their education, recreation, support, training, health and welfare. (Approx 70% of the foundations budget).
• Disabled people and the terminally ill: provision of specialist equipment and support for carers.

Grants are given for specific projects only, mostly one-off, but not for core revenue, salary or transport funding. The Foundation makes a limited number of recurring grants for up to three years. Applications are accepted from Registered charities only and are not available to individuals. Few grants exceed £5,000 and most of them go to charities where they can make an impact.

The Hedley Foundation is unable to assist with very large appeals, central appeals by large National Charities and appeals by Cathedrals and Churches. Scouts, Guides and similar organisations will be considered but not for building or re-building projects. Please see the website for more details.

Lloyds TSB Foundation – Community Programme
The Community programme focuses on funding core work that helps disadvantaged people to play a fuller role in the community. They are particularly interested in work that achieves this through:

• Improved social and community involvement
• Improved life choices and chances
• Helping people to be heard

To be eligible you must be an under funded charity and enable disadvantaged people to play a fuller role in the community in one or more of the ways outlined above. Applicants must be clear on the specific changes and benefits that your project will provide to your projects beneficiaries in order to help them play a fuller role in the community. They make grants of one to three years that are appropriate to the size and needs of each charity. For more details please see the website.

Sport England Small Grants Programme (England)

Sport England has announced that its small grants programme is now open for applications. Under the programme, not-for-profit organisations, including sports clubs, voluntary or community organisations, local authorities and education establishments (such as schools, colleges and universities can apply for grants of between £300 and £10,000 for community-level activities that help people become involved in sport, keep people in sport or help people improve their performance at their chosen sport.

Sport England anticipate this fund will be used for example, for purchasing sports equipment for local clubs, running coaching activities for the community and getting more coaches qualified. The Sport England Small Grants programme has a total value of £7 million and will fund both revenue and capital costs.

Applications to the scheme can be made at any time. For more details please see the website.

Wakeham Trust

Groups of individuals as well as small community and voluntary groups within the UK that want to improve their communities can apply for funding through the Wakeham Trust. The Trust are particularly interested in supporting neighbourhood projects, community arts projects, projects involving community service by young people, or projects set up by those who are socially excluded.

The Trust normally gives grants to projects where an initial £75 to £750 can make a real difference to getting the project up and running. To be eligible, applicants need to be registered charities or have access to a registered charity that will be willing to accept funds on their behalf. Applications can be submitted at any time.

Football Foundation - Facilities Grant Scheme (England & Wales)

Schools as well as other educational establishments, local authorities and other not-for-profit organisations are able to apply for funding to build develop and/or refurbish facilities in order to sustain and/or increase participation in football and other sporting activities.

The types of facilities that can be developed / refurbished include, grass pitches drainage/improvements, changing rooms, floodlights, artificial turf pitches, pavilions and clubhouses. Funding is also available for revenue purposes e.g. a football development officer. The Foundation will usually fund up to 50% of eligible costs but can in exceptional circumstances fund up to 90% of eligible project costs. Applications can be submitted at any time.

Live UnLtd (UK)

UnLtd, the charity for social entrepreneurs, is inviting young people between the age of 11 and 25, who have a passion and talent to change the world around them, to apply for a grant of up to £2,000 to start up their own business, sports teams, recreational groups and host events. Live UnLtd will also offer support to help with the running of the project. For more details please see the website.

Youth Music
Youth Music, the UK’s largest children’s music charity has announced its grant making programme is open for applications. Through its “Open Programme”, grants of between £5,000 and £30,000 are available to support projects that provide music-making activities for children and young people in support of Youth Music’s goals.

Youth Music will fund any non profit-making organisation (more than one year old) that is committed to music-making activities for children and young people up to 18 (or up to 25 if they have special educational needs, disabilities or are in detention). Youth Music aims to support music making activities principally in out of school hours such as during weekends, holidays as well as in breakfast and after schools clubs. The next closing date for applications is the 10th September 2010.

For more information about the Open Programme please see the website.

People’s Postcode Trust (Open for applications from 11th October 2010)

The People’s Postcode Trust provides funding opportunities to small organisations, community groups and charities, through grants ranging from £500 - £10,000. Applicants that are not formally registered as a charity with OSCR / Charity Commission can apply for up to £2,000 in funding. Applicants that are registered with OSCR / Charity Commission and can provide a charity number can apply for up to £10,000 in funding.

To be eligible for funding, all projects must help in one or more of the following areas;
• To prevent poverty
• To promote, maintain, improve and advance health.
• To advance citizenship or community development.
• To advance public participation in sport.
• To promote, improve and advance human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation.
• To promote and advance environmental protection or improvement.

For examples of successful projects, please visit the Case Studies page on our website.

One Planet Living Grant Scheme (UK)

Schools, community groups and charitable organisations can apply to their local B&Q store for funding to support a local community project. Projects must support at least one of the following themes:

• Environment/Energy Saving
• Natural Habitats/Wildlife
• Local Culture/Heritage

The scheme provides £50 to £500 (at retail cost) of B&Q materials, for example, pond liners, plants, peat-free compost for projects such as a pond/wildlife garden or paints labelled low or minimal VOC for redecoration projects. It is important that the project is sustainable. For example, the materials and methods used should not cause environmental damage in the short or long-term.

The final result should have long-lasting benefit to the community. OPL Grants do not cover maintenance, so the project should be designed for easy care. To apply for a grant, applicants will need to contact the environmental champion or store manager at their local B&Q store to discuss project details.

Projects can apply for funding between 1 February 2010 and 30 September 2010 and successful projects must collect their materials no later than 31 October 2010. For more details please look on the website below.

B&Q Waste Donation Scheme (UK)

Schools, charities and community groups can apply for products and waste materials through the B&Q Waste Donate Scheme. B&Q operates this Scheme through all of its stores within the UK. B&Q donates products and waste materials they haven’t been able to sell for re-use such as slightly damaged tins of paint, off-cuts of timber, odd rolls of wallpaper and end-of-range materials.

Donated products should benefit the local community and the environment and can not be resold. Applications must be made directly to B&Q stores and can be made at any time.

Funding opportunities

Community Spaces
A Fabulous lookingfund to help people improve the environment of their communities whichmight appeal to churches working with young people in the community. Applicants must be volunteers.

Young Roots
Engaging young people with their cultural heritage.

V Cashpoint
ONLY for those aged 16-25 with great Olymplics andParalympics inspired event ideas.

Steel Trust
For projects in the Arts and education

Jephcott Charitable trust
Starting a new project to do with education?

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Prayer Spaces in Schools

There's a new web page to help you resource prayer spaces in schools. Check it out here.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Competition Time

‘Off the Wall’ Mural Competition 2010

‘Off the Wall’ is a mural competition open to all young people who are members of a Youth Club. Groups are invited to design an original mural that reflects the feel and spirit of their club. The Mural can be on an inside or outside wall or on large pieces of cardboard or paper.

Clubs will be asked to keep a photo/video diary of their progress which will be the basis of the judging.

theme Involve, Enjoy and Achieve

when Competition runs from Friday 1st May to Wednesday 30th

September, 2010. Judging will take place in October 2010.

cost Free to enter for all CYP affiliated clubs and youth groups

prizes First prize £200 Second prize £100 Third prize £50

The prize money will be given to the club with the Young

People deciding what it should be spent on.

entry For an entry form, helpful advice and diary sheet please contact Miranda Bailey at Clubs for young People, 64 Richmond Street, Totterdown, Bristol BS3 4TJ or miranda.bailey (at) or call 0117 377 0121.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Feedback needed

Do voluntary sector organisations in Worcestershire meet the needs of children (aged 0-19) with speech, language or communication needs?

How much are voluntary and community sector organisations supported by the Local Authority and NHS Speech and Language Services, when dealing with children with speech, language or communication needs?

If there were big changes made to service provision, what might the voluntary sector consider a priority?

Any help in answering these questions would be much appreciated and should be sent to Sally Ellison, Worcester Volunteer Centre, 33, The Tything, Worcester. WR1 1JL.
Email: sally (at)

Thursday, 15 July 2010


Archdiocese of Birmingham
The Archdiocese of Birmingham wishes to appoint a Director of its Catholic Youth Service.

The post of Director of Catholic Youth Services is a new one and a crucial development in the vision and mission of youth ministry in Birmingham in line with the national vision of CYMFed.

This exciting development in the work of diocesan youth services in Birmingham has come about after a 3 year review of all existing services in the Archdiocese.
The diocesan youth services have been integrated into one unified service comprising three strands:

• BCYS (Birmingham Catholic Youth Services): this is a parish outreach team of AYO’s (Area Youth Officers) who support parish youth ministers within their own setting as well as support them in developing youth peer ministry through its VITAL course

• Alton Castle: this is the youth retreat centre based in the village of Alton in Staffordshire for youth aged 9-13. The centre is used by Catholic schools as well as annually by BCYS for parish groups

• Soli House: this is the youth retreat centre based in Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire for youth aged 14-18.

For more information go to:

Deadline: 14th July 2010.

Live UnLtd

Live UnLtd is currently in preparation of launching an exciting new youth national programme. This is a national 5 year Programme funded by the Big Lottery Fund. The programme gives young people the opportunity to help themselves by helping others through their own entrepreneurial projects, by acting in a socially entrepreneurial way, young people can transform the way they are seen. They are now funding and supporting young peoples ideas (Community Impact project/ Social Enterprise); giving out an average of £1500 for each project. Each month a Youth panel of 10 volunteers living across the Midland (aged 16-25), will decide which youth lead project will be funded and how much money the project will be awarded.

The basic criteria is that the young people:
*Must be 16 – 18 year old (as of July age group will expand to 11-18)
*Must be living in England
*Must be applying as an individual or an informal group
*Must have a positive social impact on the community
*Must demonstrate commitment to engage at least 20 young people in their project (must benefit or help out as volunteer)

Those young people who meet the basic criteria, will be asked to attend an informal interview! Applicants will then be contacted regarding the outcome of their application in a 4 to 8 week turn over.
This will be a good opportunity for young people to learn new skills, be responsible for a project that would benefit their local community and gain confidence and self belief.
It is important that the project ideas outline the (social) problem in their community and how their project or social Enterprise aims to target, tackle or reduce it.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact Kelly Cranston
Mob: 07887 173860


Big Challenge has launched!
The Big Challenge competition for 16-25 year olds is open for applications now.
Be in with a chance of winning a share of £65,000 along with support to set up your own community project.
Your project just needs to inspire other young people and involve volunteers so think big and get involved now!
Check out for full details and the online application.

Summer Youth events

Ben Mizen has a useful list of all the Christian summer youth events here.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Funding opportunity

If you're withing 25 miles of Frankley Services (or any other MOTO service station then you could be eligible for funding from their fund Moto in the Community. The next deadline is 1st October and grants range up to £10,000.

Help the What? Centre

The Background
We have been told by the Local Authority that as part of their funding cuts, they will cease funding the What? Centre's advice service in November this year. This money is also vital in supporting the counselling work that we do and without it we face certain closure in the Autumn after 24 years of working with some of the Borough's most vulnerable young people.
This is despite promises from Government that front-line services will not be cut. It comes at a time when our service is busier than ever helping young people who are homeless or living in poverty, young offenders, those who are suicidal, self-harming or struggling with serious emotional difficulties. It is also an extremely cost-effective project and brings additional money in to the borough.
We believe the decision has been made without a fair and due process being followed about the best use of public money.
Our Request
We are currently trying to get 3,000 signatures on our petition, as we are told that with this will mean the situation has to be looked at again by full Council. Would you be able to add your details to the attached petition and pass it around your own networks? We are trying to get as many as we can by the end of July. The address to return it to is on the bottom of the petition form.
Also attached is a list of some of the things you could do to help The What? Centre ... any help in any way would be very much appreciated.
On behalf of the young people who use the service, we are very grateful for your support.
Julie Faulkner
Deputy Chief Officer
The What? Centre
23 Coventry Street
Tel: 01384 379992
Charity No. 1064579
Company No. 3415168
Member of BACP No. 115576