Thursday, 21 April 2011

Funding opportunities

The 'Inspired? Small Gant Scheme

The 'Inspired?' Small Grant Scheme is continuing in 2011/12 and can help towards costs of staging your own Community Games. Awards are for amounts from £200 to £500 - it is open to any voluntary or community association, statutory body or educational establishment in Worcestershire.

For a copy of the Inspired? Small Grant Scheme Guidelines and an Application Form please contact Peter Turvey - Worcestershire Opportunities Coordinator 2012 Games: Email:

'Inspired?' Small Grant Scheme - Essential Criteria

· Your activity is inspired by the "Inspired?" toolkit (i.e. the Olympic and Paralympic Games)

· Your activity aims to increase participation in sport or physical activity

· You are able to demonstrate that your activity will not be a one off event ('Legacy')

Monday, 11 April 2011

FE Forum

West Midlands Churches FE Council and National Council of Faiths and Beliefs

in Further Education - West Midlands Regional Forum

Wednesday 18 May 2011, 11.30-3.00pm

South Birmingham College, Digbeth Campus (tbc)

Programme includes:

Presentation of findings of a regional audit of colleges' understanding of,

and provision for SMSC

News of national faith and FE developments

Opportunities to network and share good practice with colleagues from other


To book a place please contact Jennifer Roberts (

Pulse Ministries

Wanting to start some work with children or young people but not sure you have all it takes? Pulse Ministries offer to come in and help you run training for leaders as well as holiday clubs and special one-offs for children and young people.

Check out their vision document here.

Dudley Training

Dudley CVS Volunteer Centre
Training Events

May and June 2011

Monday May 9th
Volunteers and the Law
An understanding of how current legislation has implications for volunteers and volunteer involving organisations. Good practice and management of volunteers.

Friday May 13th
Volunteer Induction, Handbooks and Agreements
Preparing information handbooks, how to develop positive and welcoming induction process and the value of volunteer agreements.

Friday May 20th
Recruiting and Training Volunteers
Effective volunteer recruitment methods, interview processes and how to hang on to your volunteers.

Friday May 27th
Supporting Your Volunteers
Valuing and developing volunteers and understanding the consequences of poor support/supervision.

Friday June 10th
Moving Your Volunteers On
It’s never nice to say goodbye, but there are times when a volunteer has to move. How to spot warning signs and handling positive and negative endings.

To reserve a place at any of the above contact Dudley CVS Admin Team: Tel: 01384 573381

National Chaplaincy Conference

'School Chaplaincy: Nurturing Faith,Transforming Lives'

Help make 2011 a pivotal year in Christian Education in the United Kingdom by joining us for this inaugural conference, organised by the Church of England National Society, Woodard Schools, the Bloxham Project, Liverpool Hope University and the School Chaplains' Association, with other supporting bodies.

This conference will help shape this significant ministry through sharing experience, celebrating success and creating the agenda for the future. It is intended for all practitioners and policy makers, all involved in school chaplaincy (lay and ordained), all involved in school leadership, Diocesan education and youth officers and all others interested in this vital ministry.

Keynote speakers include:

Professor David Martin
Fr Christopher Jamison OSB
Professor Mona Siddiqui
The Bishop of Liverpool

There will be opportunities throughout for worship and reflection.

The cost to attend this three day conference is £350, inclusive of en-suite accommodation, all meals (including Conference dinner) and refreshments. For full, non-residential attendance, the cost is £250. Please note there are small additional administration charges dependent on payment method used - click here for more information.

The Conference will contribute significantly to the Christian character, teaching and practice of the schools represented. Delegates should therefore be eligible for CME/CPD funding.

Register for further details here

Funding opportunities

Lankelly Chase:
Summer activities, small grants, deadline 13th May 2011
Size of grant available: £500 (120 grants available in 2011)

Aims and outcomes of funder: Will support activities for children/young people who are living in refuges for families escaping domestic violence or young carers

Additional information: Funding available for summer activities organised to benefit children and young people aged 5-17 with strong volunteer support

For further details see their website.

Marsh Christian Trust:
No deadlines, apply anytime, trustees meet monthly
Size of grant available: £250-£4,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: Will support a variety of causes such as social/welfare projects, education/training, healthcare and literature/arts/heritage/environmental work

Additional information: The trust engages in long-term core funding and prefers to build up the level of grant-making over time

Use contact form on website


Hilden Charitable Fund:
Summer Play Schemes, application deadline 6th May 2011
Size of grant available: Up to £1,000

Aims and outcomes of funder: Will support projects for children from refugee and ethnic minority families aged 5-18 lasting for 2-6 weeks with strong volunteer support

Additional information: Only organisations with income below £120,000 can apply

See website.

St James’s Place Foundation:
Small grants, no deadlines, apply anytime
Size of grant available: Up to £10,000 in any two-year period

Aims and outcomes of funder: “Cherishing the Children” theme aimed at supporting disadvantaged and disabled young people up to the age of 25
Additional information: Only organisations with income below £750,000 a year can apply for funding to purchase small capital items or staff costs working directly with beneficiaries

See their website

Sobell Foundation:
No deadlines, apply anytime
Size of grant available: Average grants £21,250

Aims and outcomes of funder: Amongst their many priorities is support for physically and mentally disabled adults/children through education/training focusing on learning disabilities

Additional information: Will also fund organisations working in the care and support of the elderly and children as well as projects addressing homelessness

See their website.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Wychavon Community Grants

Financial assistance is available to local voluntary groups and charitable organisations for innovative new projects that make a lasting difference and improve the quality of life in Wychavon.

Fund Value:
£ 80,000
Maximum Value:
£ 10,000
Minimum Value:
£ 250

Grants are for projects costing over £250 up to a maximum of £10,000, which will be the normal maximum amount. Larger grants may be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Extended Description

The Community Grants scheme is provided and administered by Wychavon District Council.

Every year the scheme focuses on one element of community life. The theme for 2011 is "Play". Applications will also be considered for innovative, new projects that will make a lasting difference to the community and improve the quality of life within the district. Projects should address the theme set out for the year but may focus on other aspects of community life, such as community buildings, sports, and arts. Projects must benefit the community.
Latest Information

2011 deadline: 17 June 2011 (noon).

To be eligible, applicants must:

* Be a local voluntary group or charitable organisation from Wychavon District.
* Be a non-profit making organisation.
* Have a project within Wychavon District or for the benefit of Wychavon residents.
* Demonstrate that they can meet the full costs of the proposed project through grant aid and other contributions.
* Have the necessary permissions to carry out the project.
* Be able to take up the grant within 12 months of the grant offer.

To be eligible, projects must:

* Meet local needs and benefit local residents.
* Have community support.
* Be well planned and involve as many local people as possible.

Applications from a national organisation or local branch of a national organisation must be for a specific local project.

Applications from religious organisations must be for non-religious, community, leisure and recreational purposes only.

Applications from Parish or Town Councils must be for substantial projects only, such as village halls, land purchases or Lottery bids.

Applications from schools must be for projects with a wider community benefit that run outside of school hours. Curricular activities will not be funded.
Eligible Expenditure

Assistance is provided towards a wide range of projects that:

* Support initiatives that improve services and facilities for the local community.
* Encourage local action to improve quality of life.
* Support activities in the local community that the Council would like to support but for which it does not have the resources.
* Contribute towards the Council's priorities, as set out in the Wychavon Community Strategy.

Match Funding Restrictions

Applicants will be expected to show other sources of funding towards the total cost of the project. This could be from the local community or from other grant aid.

The Council is unlikely to fund 100% of any project and the more that can be raised by the applicant, the better the chance of success.

When applications are made in connection with Lottery-funded projects, the Council will only provide up to 50% of the minimum partnership funding required by the relevant Lottery body (except Awards for All).

The following are not eligible for funding:

* Individuals.
* Organisations that can fund the project themselves.
* Organisations whose liquid assets in hand exceed one year's revenue expenditures unless funds have been set aside specifically for a capital project.
* Organisations whose projects require year-on-year running costs, such as usual venue hire, refreshments, newsletters and administration. (Start-up costs would be eligible.)
* Projects that will have taken place by 31 July 2011.
* More than one project from the same organisation per year.

Grants are awarded once in a three year period. Recipients in 2011 may not apply again until 2014. Unsuccessful applicants may apply each year until successful.
Application Procedure

Application packs can be obtained by contacting Tracy Grubb. The closing date is 12.00 noon on 17 June 2011.

Applicants are strongly advised to approach their parish or town councillor and local district councillor about their application.

The following documents must be submitted along with the completed application form:

* A Community Strategy Form (if not applying under the 'Play' theme) or the Play Strategy form (if applying under the ‘Play’ theme)
* Evidence of local support for the project and how it meets community needs (for example, letters from local organisations or residents; petition).
* Audited, or independently verified, balance sheets and revenue accounts for the past two years. (If these are not yet available please supply interim accounts or balance sheets.)
* Copy of the organisation’s Rules and Regulations and/or Constitution.
* Copies of estimates relating to work for which a grant is sought.
* Plans of proposed work where appropriate.

A Grants Help Service is in operation during April and May. Applicants should contact Tracy Grubb with details of the project to arrange a discussion with one of the scheme managers.

Applicant’s Briefing Sessions have been arranged for:

* 20 April.
* 18 May.
* 01 June.

The briefing sessions will be held at 6.30 pm in the Conservatory, Civic Centre, Pershore. Applicants should use the Civic Suite entrance at the rear of the building for all briefing sessions.

Applicants that are applying for a grant in excess of £1,000 are expected to attend the Applicants Briefing Sessions; those that are unable to attend should contact Tracy Grubb prior to the briefing to discuss the application.

If a grant of £2,000 or more is requested, applicants may be called in to give a short presentation to the working group. This would allow more detailed questioning of the project, in addition to providing applicants an opportunity to clearly state the need and outline the benefits for the community.

Grant applications that meet all of the relevant criteria, will be considered by members of the Council during June, July and August 2011. They will make a decision about which projects to fund and what level of grant to allocate.

Contact Tracy Grubb for further information and an application pack.
Addresses and contacts

For further information on how to obtain this funding opportunity locally, please contact the following:

Contact details:
Tracy Grubb
Wychavon District Council
Civic Centre
Queen Elizabeth Drive
WR10 1PT
01386 565168

Friday, 1 April 2011

Social Media

Dudley CVS is hosting its first Social Media Surgery on Thursday 14 April, 5pm at Cafe Grande in Dudley.

Would you like to know how to use blogs, video clips, photo sharing sites, Facebook, Twitter or other free web tools to help your group?

You don't need any previous knowledge to take part, and there won't be any lectures. We'll talk to you one-to-one, listen to what you need and explain things clearly. Dudley CVS Social Media Surgeries are completely free advice sessions for community and voluntary groups, clubs and societies.

Click here for more information and to reserve your place.

You can also offer to be helper when you book. All of our helpers are volunteers or staff from local organisations who know enough about using social media tools to help someone else.

We'll be hosting Social Media Surgeries regularly, so I'll keep you informed about future dates.