Thursday, 6 January 2011

Get into... The Prince's Trust

The Princes Trust

Get Into Construction - Highways Maintenance

Do you know any young people aged 18 -25 who may have an interest in Construction and Highways Maintenance?

Are they unemployed?

Get Into Construction - Highways and Maintenance - Monday 24th January 2011 - Friday 4th February 2011

Interested young people will be invited to an Information session on Tuesday 18th January 2011 to if it's for them. (Times to be confirmed)

Get Started with Football

Do you know any young people aged 16-25 who are currently unemployed who may have an interest in Football?

Yes? Then Get them Started with The Prince's Trust on our motivating and rewarding FREE 5 day programme!

Get Started with Football - Monday 17th January 2011 - Friday 21st January 2011

Interested young people will be invited to a Taster session on Wednesday 12th January 2011, 9am-11am to if it's for them.

For more information about the above or to book a place on the courses, please email or call us on one of the numbers: 0121 689 6901, 07766417341 or The Prince's Trust freephone 0800 842 842 or email: or

Community First Training

'All Fired Up' - Leading An Effective Team

Wednesday 26thJanuary 2011 9.30am - 3.30pm

WGTA Sunnyside Road, Worcester, WR1 1RL

Community first is pleased to announce that Jackie Hughes of Worcestershire Group Training Association will be delivering this popular one day workshop, mapped to the National Occupational Standards in Leadership and Management.

The course will include:

• Leadership and Management styles

• Motivating and empowering team members

• Gaining the trust and support of team members

• Communication and it’s impact on morale and performance

• Effective delegation and objective setting

• Providing support and constructive feedback for team members

As an optional extra the workshop will provide you with the knowledge required to progress and gain accreditation for two units from the NVQ Management standards.

Training Course Prices:

Medium to Large Voluntary Sector Organisation (one or more full time paid staff)

Voluntary and Community – Sector A: £60 Community First members **(Join now for FREE) – Sector A: £25

Small Voluntary and Community Sector Organisation (less than one full time paid member of staff)

Voluntary and Community (no paid staff) – Sector B: £30 Community First members **(Join now for FREE) – Sector B: £10

Public & Private Sector

Public or Private – Sector C: £110 Community First members ** – Sector C: £90

Join Community First today to benefit from the member discounts:

**Community First Annual Membership: Bronze–FREE; Silver-£20; Gold-£50

(Gold members get an additional 10% off all Community First services, plus other benefits)

To secure your place complete the booking form and return it with your payment to Andrea Cooper at Community First as soon as possible.

Click here to download the Training Booking Form

Sports Partnership Herefordshire & Worcestershire Bring London 2012 Closer to You

Sports Partnership Herefordshire and Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire 2012 (Raising our Game) Co-ordinators, David Moorcroft MBE and Christina Boxer present:

The Community Games

Join us to discover how you can bring the spirit of the Olympics and Paralympics to your doorstep.

Date: Wednesday 19th January 2011 Time: 10.30am - 12.45pm Lunch & networking until 1.45pm

Venue: Malvern College Sports Complex, WR14 3EP

The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games aren't just about four weeks of sport in London; they offer a fantastic opportunity for you to bring your community together. By taking part in sporting and cultural activities inspired by the Games, we can all celebrate London 2012!

The aim of Community Games is to bring as many people as possible together from towns, cities and villages right across the two counties. The initiative encourages those taking part to organise their Games in a way that works for them; some may focus chose to give the event a competitive edge, whereas others may prefer to give people the opportunity to try something new. Whatever the focus, it provides a unique opportunity for everyone to get involved.

As an influential member of your community we are seeking your involvement and would like to offer you:

*Inspiration and guidance on how you can organise such an event

*Information on funding, grants, resources, volunteering and collaboration with other key national and local events

Speakers and features include:

* David Moorcroft OBE, former Olympic Athlete and former 5000m world record holder

* Christina Boxer, Triple Olympian and Raising our Game Lead Ambassador

* Young sports volunteers being trained in a variety of multi skills and sports hall athletics

* Raising Our Game Inspired? Toolkit and Small Grant Scheme

Spaces are limited so don't miss out on this opportunity!

Book your place(s) now.

For more information.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The Christian Apprentice

The Christian Apprentice course is a weekend residential course for girls who show leadership potential and their leaders. The course aims to encourage the girls in their faith, develop leadership skills and form new friendships. The course leader is Sharon Prior, who lectures on the Children’s and Youth Ministry course at Cliff College with Paul Wilcox. She is involved with the Sophia Network and Urban Saints, Sharon comes highly recommended.

The residential course will run from Friday 28th January till Sunday 30th January 2011. Transport, Food and equipment will be provided. The cost will be £100 per girl which includes a celebratory meal out at the end of the weekend.

It is intended that a female leader will attend with the girls from each church to mentor them during the weekend and after, for female leaders a contribution of £50 is asked to cover food and accommodation and travel, it is hoped that this will be a great time of fellowship and growth for leaders as well! It is not the intention that WASP will make any profit from the weekend, any surplus money will be returned.

Churches may wish to subsidise girls. In cases of hardship WASP would also be able to offer support. If you are unable to provide a female leader, WASP may also be able to support this.

We enclose a sample programme and a number of quotes from previous events.

We would like booking forms returned to Ashley at: Lindisfarne House, 4 Barbhourne Terrace, Worcester, WR1 3JS in order that final arrangements can be put into place.

Please prayerfully consider which girls would benefit from such a weekend and encourage them to join us. If you have any queries then please contact :

Monday, 3 January 2011

Lent Resources

After their great Christmas resources, Spurgeons now have some Lent resources on offer. So for those of you already planning your Lent sessions, you may want to have a look.