Thursday, 29 July 2010

Competition Time

‘Off the Wall’ Mural Competition 2010

‘Off the Wall’ is a mural competition open to all young people who are members of a Youth Club. Groups are invited to design an original mural that reflects the feel and spirit of their club. The Mural can be on an inside or outside wall or on large pieces of cardboard or paper.

Clubs will be asked to keep a photo/video diary of their progress which will be the basis of the judging.

theme Involve, Enjoy and Achieve

when Competition runs from Friday 1st May to Wednesday 30th

September, 2010. Judging will take place in October 2010.

cost Free to enter for all CYP affiliated clubs and youth groups

prizes First prize £200 Second prize £100 Third prize £50

The prize money will be given to the club with the Young

People deciding what it should be spent on.

entry For an entry form, helpful advice and diary sheet please contact Miranda Bailey at Clubs for young People, 64 Richmond Street, Totterdown, Bristol BS3 4TJ or miranda.bailey (at) or call 0117 377 0121.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Feedback needed

Do voluntary sector organisations in Worcestershire meet the needs of children (aged 0-19) with speech, language or communication needs?

How much are voluntary and community sector organisations supported by the Local Authority and NHS Speech and Language Services, when dealing with children with speech, language or communication needs?

If there were big changes made to service provision, what might the voluntary sector consider a priority?

Any help in answering these questions would be much appreciated and should be sent to Sally Ellison, Worcester Volunteer Centre, 33, The Tything, Worcester. WR1 1JL.
Email: sally (at)

Thursday, 15 July 2010


Archdiocese of Birmingham
The Archdiocese of Birmingham wishes to appoint a Director of its Catholic Youth Service.

The post of Director of Catholic Youth Services is a new one and a crucial development in the vision and mission of youth ministry in Birmingham in line with the national vision of CYMFed.

This exciting development in the work of diocesan youth services in Birmingham has come about after a 3 year review of all existing services in the Archdiocese.
The diocesan youth services have been integrated into one unified service comprising three strands:

• BCYS (Birmingham Catholic Youth Services): this is a parish outreach team of AYO’s (Area Youth Officers) who support parish youth ministers within their own setting as well as support them in developing youth peer ministry through its VITAL course

• Alton Castle: this is the youth retreat centre based in the village of Alton in Staffordshire for youth aged 9-13. The centre is used by Catholic schools as well as annually by BCYS for parish groups

• Soli House: this is the youth retreat centre based in Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire for youth aged 14-18.

For more information go to:

Deadline: 14th July 2010.

Live UnLtd

Live UnLtd is currently in preparation of launching an exciting new youth national programme. This is a national 5 year Programme funded by the Big Lottery Fund. The programme gives young people the opportunity to help themselves by helping others through their own entrepreneurial projects, by acting in a socially entrepreneurial way, young people can transform the way they are seen. They are now funding and supporting young peoples ideas (Community Impact project/ Social Enterprise); giving out an average of £1500 for each project. Each month a Youth panel of 10 volunteers living across the Midland (aged 16-25), will decide which youth lead project will be funded and how much money the project will be awarded.

The basic criteria is that the young people:
*Must be 16 – 18 year old (as of July age group will expand to 11-18)
*Must be living in England
*Must be applying as an individual or an informal group
*Must have a positive social impact on the community
*Must demonstrate commitment to engage at least 20 young people in their project (must benefit or help out as volunteer)

Those young people who meet the basic criteria, will be asked to attend an informal interview! Applicants will then be contacted regarding the outcome of their application in a 4 to 8 week turn over.
This will be a good opportunity for young people to learn new skills, be responsible for a project that would benefit their local community and gain confidence and self belief.
It is important that the project ideas outline the (social) problem in their community and how their project or social Enterprise aims to target, tackle or reduce it.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact Kelly Cranston
Mob: 07887 173860


Big Challenge has launched!
The Big Challenge competition for 16-25 year olds is open for applications now.
Be in with a chance of winning a share of £65,000 along with support to set up your own community project.
Your project just needs to inspire other young people and involve volunteers so think big and get involved now!
Check out for full details and the online application.

Summer Youth events

Ben Mizen has a useful list of all the Christian summer youth events here.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Funding opportunity

If you're withing 25 miles of Frankley Services (or any other MOTO service station then you could be eligible for funding from their fund Moto in the Community. The next deadline is 1st October and grants range up to £10,000.

Help the What? Centre

The Background
We have been told by the Local Authority that as part of their funding cuts, they will cease funding the What? Centre's advice service in November this year. This money is also vital in supporting the counselling work that we do and without it we face certain closure in the Autumn after 24 years of working with some of the Borough's most vulnerable young people.
This is despite promises from Government that front-line services will not be cut. It comes at a time when our service is busier than ever helping young people who are homeless or living in poverty, young offenders, those who are suicidal, self-harming or struggling with serious emotional difficulties. It is also an extremely cost-effective project and brings additional money in to the borough.
We believe the decision has been made without a fair and due process being followed about the best use of public money.
Our Request
We are currently trying to get 3,000 signatures on our petition, as we are told that with this will mean the situation has to be looked at again by full Council. Would you be able to add your details to the attached petition and pass it around your own networks? We are trying to get as many as we can by the end of July. The address to return it to is on the bottom of the petition form.
Also attached is a list of some of the things you could do to help The What? Centre ... any help in any way would be very much appreciated.
On behalf of the young people who use the service, we are very grateful for your support.
Julie Faulkner
Deputy Chief Officer
The What? Centre
23 Coventry Street
Tel: 01384 379992
Charity No. 1064579
Company No. 3415168
Member of BACP No. 115576

36 Parables

Interesting looking new resource over at 36 Parables. Modern versions of the parables Jesus told his followers.

One video Found is available for a free download.
This is a funny animation suggesting best ways for teenagers to split up with their girlfriend or boyfriend. It would be great to use it as a discussion starter on relationships, the difference between following God's way of dating as opposed to the world's way and also for looking at the differences between the sexes.Check it out on youtube here

Idea courtesy of Ben Mizen & CPAS

UK German Challenge fund

Financial assistance is available to support collaborative projects between schools in the UK and Germany.

Maximum Value: £ 5,000

The Fund usually provides grants up to 50% of total project costs, to a maximum of £5,000, although in exceptional circumstances grants can be made that cover 75% of total costs.

Extended Description
The UK-German Challenge Fund is provided by the UK-German Connection, a government-backed initiative to promote Anglo-German links.

The Fund will support schools and youth groups in the UK and Germany to work on collaborative projects that encourage young people to:

  • Explore subjects in an international context.
  • Take a fresh look at cross or extra-curricular project work.
  • Take an active role in a practical "hands-on" team venture.
  • Work together towards an outcome, product or event of their choice.

The programme will support language and non-language related activities, along with curricular and extra-curricular projects. A wide range of themes can be covered, including:

  • Science and technology.
  • Business and enterprise.
  • Citizenship.
  • Energy and the environment.
  • Multimedia and ICT.
  • Culture and the arts.
  • Vocational skills.
  • Cross-curricular themes.

Latest Information

The current deadline for applications is 31 October 2010.

For the latest updates, consult the UK-German Challenge Fund website.

Key Criteria

The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • Primary and secondary schools.
  • Further Education colleges.
  • Youth groups involving young people up to the age of 25.

Applications from clusters of schools or youth groups are welcome.

Successful applications must demonstrate:

  • Evidence of real collaborative work between the young people from both countries.
  • Any activity focuses on thematic project work leading to concrete outcomes and results.
  • A strong element of involvement of young people in the planning, implementation and dissemination of the project.
  • In addition to benefiting the participants, there must be a wider impact on the school, college or youth groups involved.
  • That both the UK and German partners will undertake trips to each other's institutions. These visits must be clearly related as part of the same project, whilst the period of time taken between the visits must not be longer than eight months.
  • That there will be high local publicity/visibility for the project in both countries.
  • At least 10 young people from each participating institution are involved with the project.
  • That a vetted and qualified adult will accompany any projects involving groups of young people under the age of 18.
  • The project has the support of senior management at each institution.
  • That all necessary organisational duties, such as child protection and risk assessment arrangements, are carried out by the organising institution.
  • Where possible, the trip includes young people who would otherwise not have had the opportunity to take part in such a project.

Eligible Expenditure

Grants can cover:

  • Project-related costs such as materials, resources, dissemination.
  • Travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for trips to Germany and the UK.

Examples of eligible activities include:

  • Entrepreneurial projects.
  • Development of new ideas, designs and materials.
  • Scientific explorations.
  • Debating workshops.
  • Workplace-related activities.
  • Cultural events, exhibitions and productions.
  • Community projects.
  • Creation of webpages and films.
  • Blogging, reporting or song-writing.


Grants cannot be provided for:

  • Unilateral projects.
  • Traditional language exchanges.
  • Trips with a tourist focus.
  • Supply teacher cover.
  • Hardware.
  • Insurance.
  • Students enrolled at a Higher Education institution.

Further Information

UK-German Connection cannot become involved with the organising of any project or trip and is exempt from responsibility once applicants confirm in writing that arrangements have been made.

Payment Procedure

Grants will be paid by cheque or international bank transfer in two instalments:

  • 75% released at the beginning of the project.
  • The final 25% paid on completion of a satisfactory final report or proof of project work.

Application Procedure

Before submitting an application, the applying institute must have already established contact and agreed collaboration with a partner institution based in Germany.

Applications must be made at least four weeks in advance of the project's start.

One participating institution applies on behalf of the whole project. All other partners must submit a signed statement confirming that they support, and are participating in, the project.

Contact UK-German Connections for further information.

Addresses and contacts

For further information on how to obtain this funding opportunity locally, please contact the following:

Contact details:
Enquiries UK-German Connection
34 Belgrave Square
020 7824 1570

Alison Kliché UK-German Connection
34 Belgrave Square
020 7824 1572

ALM Children and Youth - a student review

One of our students from this year has kindly reviewed the course for her local parish and agreed for that to be shared more widely:

This course has involved two terms of weekly sessions in Worcester with the Diocesan Children’s and Youth Officer for our specialist group, and five Saturdays with all the ALM trainees together looking at Mission, the Bible, Tradition and Prayer as resources for ministry and working together in ministry. We had some enthralling speakers including Dr Helen-Ann Hartley from Ripon College, Cuddesdon and Brother Nicholas Allen from the Franciscan monastery at Glasshampton as well as input from within the diocese.

Our group comprised 13 in all, but three attended on Saturdays for multiple sessions because of child care or other commitments. We have covered practical aspects such as risk assessment and good practice, structures within the Church of England, and organising big events or residentials. We have explored learning styles, our team role descriptions according to Belbin’s analysis, and stages of faith. But most of all we have prayed together, played games together and shared our practice: there has been a lot of laughter, and a lot of oooh’s as we’ve heard of real-life experiences that made us consider boundaries, church organisation and exciting ways to share God’s love.

So what have I gained from the experience?

A new set of colleagues, and a remembrance that we are part of a diocese which offers lots of resources in books, CD’s, DVD’s , activity schemes and personnel to advise and assist: we are not on our own! Opportunities to ponder my own theology of children’s ministry, and to hear brilliant speakers extend my experience of prayer and mission.

Was it worth doing?


And what comes next? Whatever God leads me to, working in our children’s team and in the wider Worship team to “enable all to receive and hear the Good News of Jesus Christ” .

Sheila Freeman

Dudley training

I am pleased to share with you dates of forthcoming 'in it together' community engagement training sesssions. All training is free of charge and open to anyone who works or volunteers in Dudley Borough. See the DOSTI website for booking forms and further information

Friday 23 July,10am-3pm: Understanding Engagement - information and booking form attached

Tuesday 7 September, 10am-1pm: Community Consultation Tools training - information and booking form attached

Tuesday 28 September, 9am-1pm: Understanding Engagement - information and booking form attached

Tuesday 12 October, 10am - 2pm: Community Engagement Network event - information to follow

Thursday 14 October, 10am-1pm or 2.30pm: Strategic Partnerships, Networks and Strategies - information and booking form attached

Wednesday 20 October, 10am-1pm, Involving VCFS representatives in your partnership/work - information to follow

We are also in the process of planning a Cultural Awareness training session and a Partnership Working and Networking training session.

There are currently changes being made to both Dosti and the Dudley Community Partnership websites. The above information will be hosted on those websites as soon as posssible - we'll keep you informed.

YOUTH WORK SUMMIT 23rd October 2010

Youth Work Summit

23rd October 2010

The information below comes straight off the website, have a read – then, if you like the sound of this – book yourself in! I will be there, but do not let that put you off . . .

There's this idea that's been buzzing around the heads of some of us involved in youth ministry for some time, and it won't go away. It's the idea of a new kind of youth work event, created by youth workers, for youth workers.

It's the idea of breaking down old ways of doing things, and finding new ones. Of listening to a wider range of voices than ever before, from parts of the church - and the world outside it - that normally we wouldn't stop to engage with.

It's the idea of creating genuine dialogue between youth workers of all Christian traditions, who talk and pray together to shape creative responses to the challenges of twenty-first century youth ministry. It's the idea of curating a moment of genuine unity, where theology and ideology is momentarily put aside in the light of the bigger picture.

We had this idea, and we knew it was a good one. So we set out to create this new kind of event, which has led to our first Youthwork Summit, in London, and an immediate commitment to take it to other parts of the UK in the months and years to come.

We're committed to making these events different to anything you've seen before, but of course, that's easy for us to say. What we can promise - if you decide to come along - is that you'll hear lots of voices, including some you've never heard before. We can promise you'll be among friends, with whom you can have fun, share ideas, and pray. We won't have 'celebrity' speakers, hiding in a green room together; we'll just be together, sharing our hearts, and, we pray, meeting with God.

We also promise that this will be a place for new ideas - even if they're only half-formed. Perhaps by being present on the day, your insight will provide someone else's solution. Finally, we're promising a forum for discussion, where speakers will be immediately available for dialogue, and won't just talk, but also listen.

Just the way that this seems to be coming together is causing us excitement, and as we work to create a truly challenging programme, engage with technology in new ways, and of course, encourage you to be there, one thing is sure: it's going to be one special day.

So here it is - the first Youthwork Summit - our Big Idea for an event about big ideas. Why not come along for the ride as we find out where it goes?

Connect via their website, Twitter or Facebook page.

I am really excited about this event, and it would be great for lots of people from the diocese to be there – if you do book in it would be great to know and we can travel together or meet up while we are there!

Dudley Borough Pledge

Sign the Borough Pledge

You may be aware that the English Defence League is once again protesting in Dudley this Saturday. The Guardian recently revealed their aim is to increase tensions in as many different parts of the country as possible. Their protests have often been marked by public disorder and violence.
Dudley Council have put together a pledge, and are asking local organisations to sign-up. The pledge is a recognition of the great place Dudley is, and the good relationships that generally exist between communities. Please click here to see the pledge.