Friday, 28 May 2010
Vetting and Barring and you
See it here.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Totally Wired
Everything you need to know about young people and the digital revolution still to come. An essential seminar for all parents, church leaders, youth leaders and anyone who cares about young people and the technology revolution.
Totally Wired tour dates...
20/5/10 - Redhill, Surrey
10/6/10 - Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
24/6/10 - Watford, Herts
1/7/10 - Leicester (nearest to us)
15/7/10 - Norwich
23/9/10 - Whitstable, Kent
30/9/10 - Peterborough
7/10/10 - Chichester, Sussex
11/11/10 - Stafford (nearest to us)
18/11/10 - Cheam, Surrey
2/12/10 - Letchworth, Herts
Totally Wired is an essential seminar for all parents, church leaders, youth leaders and anyone who cares about young people and the technology revolution.
Seminar Details
Chris Curtis and Matt Summerfield present this high-quality, interactive, enjoyable and challenging evening event which aims to explore some of these key questions:
• What should parents and youth workers know about the digital world?
• How are young people spending their time online?
• What impact are online social networking sites having on young people?
• How will mobiles and the internet develop over the next few years?
• How can we help young people to stay safe online?
• How can Christian youth and children’s work adapt to the online world?
The evening programme is presented in two halves, each lasting around one hour, with a 20 minute interval in between. This will include an opportunity to hear about how Urban Saints can serve churches in their work with children and young people, plus the chance to look at various resources during the interval.
Tickets cost £5* and are on sale now. Contact the venues directly to purchase tickets.
For more information please contact Virginia Boakes on:
* Ticket price at some venues may vary
Join the Totally Wired Facebook discussion group HERE
Pentecost and trinity resources
Social Media
15 July 2010, 09:00AM - 15 July 2010, 17:00PM
Thursday 15 July 2010 in Birmingham
• Would you like new ways to communicate with groups and communities you support?
• Do you want to find and try out different ways to reach your volunteers?
• Have you heard of social media or read about Facebook and Twitter, but not known how to apply them in development of local organisations and volunteer groups?
If you're a development worker in a local support and development organisation helping small groups, or you provide support and advice in a volunteer centre then this workshop is for you!
There's a lot of talk about 'social media', some hype about how useful it is and a seemingly endless and growing list of social networking websites to try out.
Good use of social media can offer ways to strengthen how development workers work with local groups, how organisations reach volunteers, or help communities campaign more effectively. Not considering use of this technology could mean organisations and volunteer centres miss out on its use to support development and help volunteer led projects & groups.
This workshop is part of a series being run for development workers in local support organisations and for staff in local volunteer centres that will:
• Help you place social media in the context of your organisation development work role,
• Consider guidelines for responsible use of social media websites,
• Give you knowledge about a wide range of current social media tools available,
• Feature a practical social media surgery to help build confidence in use of social media websites and show how you can help local groups benefit from them too.
The workshops are being delivered by the NAVCA ICT Champions and Red Foundation as part of the Capacitybuilders' Modernising Volunteering & Regional ICT Champions work.
Cost £35 per person, including VAT
To book visit Eventbrite and complete an online booking form.
You can also download and complete a booking form (Word, 615KB) and return it to
If you need assistance completing either form please contact Carolyn Ellis on 0114 289 3952.
Pete Read
Skype: iict pete
Twitter - @iictpete
SkypeIn 0121 288 9876
mob: 07906 445820
Office 024 7664 2022
illuminateict (A CWIC Project) offers a full range of graphic design and ICT services to the voluntary and community sector. visit for training, web sites, graphic design
ICT Champion for the West Midlands
The ICT Champion is hosted by Community First
Poetry Slam
This is a free web-based poetry slam competition for young people. There are three age categories (Under 12, Under 15 and Under 18) and the top ten in each age category will be invited to a live West Midlands Youth Poetry Slam final in October, as part of the Birmingham Book Festival. Assistance with travel costs will be made available, and there will be a range of trophies and prizes for the winners.
To enter, you just have to upload video of young people (in groups of 3 or more) performing pieces of poetry, raps, etc. that they've written. The website is and it's free to upload and enter. All entries must be uploaded by 31st July 2010.
Training Opportunities
When: Monday 21st June 2010, 9.30am- 3.30pm
Where: mac, Birmingham
Cost: FREE
• Are you a youth worker who wants to use music in your work?
• Are you musician who wants to work in youth work settings?
• Do you want to make new connections, share best practice and try out some practical hands-on options?
Then this is the event for you. MusicLeader West Midlands, Youth Music, and the Regional Youth Work Unit at GOWM are proud to present this free one-day event exploring how youth workers can support young people making music.
The day will include presentations from experienced guest speakers plus a range of participatory workshops covering areas such as:
• using music technology
• creating spaces for music , and how band building works in practice
• working across different musical cultures
• using live music - young people as music leaders
Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. For more information and to book a place, contact the MusicLeader West Midlands Office.
T: 0121 446 3234
Funding opportunities
The Foundation provides grants of between £500 and £10,000 per year to Christian Charities that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. Funding can be awarded for up to three years. The Foundation will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding. Only in exceptional circumstances will grants be given for building work: Previously funded projects include:
*Discovery Camps which received a grant of £1500 to subsidise holidays for children arranged by churches in and around Dundee
• Scargill House which received a grant of £5,000 to facilitate cross cultural engagement and understanding amongst children using arts based residential courses in Yorkshire.
The next application deadline is the 31st July 2010.
Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards (UK)
The Trust has announced that it is now accepting applications for projects that support children and their education and welfare. The funding is available to schools, community and voluntary groups who can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £4,000. The Tesco Charity Trust has been in existence since 1987 and aims to provide approximately £600,000 in grants each year.
Previous projects supported have included:
• A sensory garden
• Outdoor classrooms
• Breakfast and after school clubs
• Holiday play-schemes
• Part funding to purchase minibuses.
The closing date for applications is the 30th June 2010.
Young Roots (UK)
Young Roots offers grants of between £3,000 and £25,000. The scheme aims to involve 13-20 year-olds (up to 25 for those with special needs) in finding out about their heritage, developing skills, building confidence and promoting community involvement. Projects need to be related to the local and culturally varied heritage of the UK. For example, it could involve young people researching a local archive or doing practical casework on a nature reserve. Projects must also show how young people are managing and participating in the project. Projects should promote social inclusion and equal opportunities by involving a wide range of young people of different abilities and cultural backgrounds.
Applications can be made at any time. Applications can be made at any time.
Funding for Youth Led Community Projects
Small community and voluntary organisations that work with young people and want to scale up and expand their activities have until the 23rd June 2010 to apply for grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 through the Youth of Today Leadership Fund.
The fund which is managed by the Young Foundation are available for innovative projects lasting for up to 6 months, that:
• Help more young people take on leadership roles in their community
• Create more opportunities for young people to influence the decisions affecting them
• Raise the quality of youth leadership opportunities; enable small organisations to grow
• Support innovative projects that are unlikely to find funding from other sources.
In addition, Youth of Today has announced that it will be launching a new Young Leaders Fund in the near future. Through the Young Leaders Fund an additional 8 grants of up to £4,000 for projects developed by young people and supported by third sector organisations will be made available.
Positive Activities for Children and Young People Grant funding 2010/11
Applications are invited from voluntary sector organisations working with children and young people, be they charities, faith groups, the local PTA or voluntary sector youth clubs for funding from their local County Councillor. Each Councillor has an allocation of up to £3,500.
Councillors will consider applications from 1 April 2010. The closing date is 1st February 2011. Spending and the activity must be completed by 31 March 2011.
The groups must be providing positive activities places to go and things to do for children and young people aged between 8 and 19 years.
What can this funding be used for?
• The views of children and young people should be central to identifying how this funding is used and inform the running of projects.
• This funding is intended to support and increase positive activities for children and young people aged 8 to 19 years old.
• The funding must be spent on the front-line delivery of services or activities to children and young people.
• Projects should benefit children and young people and contribute towards the achievement of the Children and Young People Plan priorities (as listed overleaf).
• The funding can be used for revenue activities only.
• Applications for activities taking place after 31 March 2011 will not be considered.
Grants can be used for:
• a one-off activity
• Start up/pump prime a new project/activity
• Contribute towards a larger project with match funding from elsewhere
The following cannot be funded:
• Capital expenditure, such as refurbishment of buildings, youth shelters.
• Support for projects for individuals, such as sporting achievements and travel.
Please click here for the Application Form and Guidance Notes.
If you would like any further details or information about the operation of the grant scheme please contact Anne Roberts, telephone 765506 or email
J Paul Getty Jr Charitable Trus
The J Paul Getty Jr Charitable Trust has decided to wind down over the next few years. As a result it is increasing its level of annual spend and looking for opportunities to award a number of more substantial grants.
The Trust awards grants towards both revenue and capital costs. Main grants are between £10K and £250K for work over a period of 1 to 3 years. Small grants of up to £5K are also available for smaller charities. The Trust will only consider applications for projects under one or more of its stated priorities, which include: Reducing Reoffending, Improving Prospects, Repairing Lives, and Sustaining the Arts.
Applications must be submitted using the online form available via the website at: There are no closing dates, and you should hear within 6 weeks if they are able to take your application forward. You can contact the Trust for advice on 020 7486 1859.
For the few parishes in our diocese which are in Gloucestershire, you might want to check out The Old Spot trust.
Job opportunity in the Diocese of Worcester
is looking for a new
Youth Worker
You are a committed Christian with a passion for young people. You
may have experience and qualifications which are preferred, but
not essential. You may be looking to further develop your skills.
We are a registered charity situated in Harvington, near Evesham,
Worcestershire, sponsored by our village’s Anglican and Baptist
Churches and we can offer you training, support, keen volunteers,
excitement, challenge and lots of fun-loving youth.
The post is based on 32 hours work per week.
Initial remuneration is £15000 per annum.
For a job description or an informal chat about the post please
contact James Nicol 01386 870256
Closing date for applications: 16th July 2010