Thursday, 29 April 2010

Youth Jobs

Fantastic opportunity for a Youth Pastor at St. Peter's Baptist Church in Worcester:

We are a growing church of 400+ people working out of new purpose-built premises in the city of Worcester.

Youth Pastor to lead our programme for young people aged 11-23.

What you will do:

* inspire and motivate our team of youth leaders
* share your faith with unchurched young people
* disciple young Christians

What you need to be:

* a passionate follower of Jesus
* an excellent communicator with young people
* a proven leader in youth ministry

Closing Date for applications: 15th June

a little further afield:

Holy Trinity Church

We are a vibrant charismatic evangelical church at the heart of the city of Leicester, with a congregation of 700 people including 150 under 18s. We are after someone to join our team and work closely with our experienced Children’s Worker and Youth Worker.

We want someone who is:

  • Keen to work with children and youth, in discipleship and evangelism.
  • A team player and team leader.
  • Confident in developing strong partnerships in schools.
  • Seeking to be developed in their ministry in an exciting initial position.
For more information:

Closing Date: 11th June 2010

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Quest – Pre Alpha Course for free!

Quest, the fantastic pre-Alpha course from Toronto Youth for Christ is now free! The DVDs used to cost £100 or so, but the organisation that produced it have now made the clips available as a free download. They are big files, but well worth getting. Visit

Funding opportunity

SITA have a youth volunteering fund which could enable you and your group to renovate a building in your local community if you are within 3 miles of a SITA site (check your postcode here). It needs to involve 14-25 year olds actively in the process.

Guidelines here and you can apply online here.

"The Young Person's Volunteering Fund, provided and administered by SITA, is designed to involve young people in community volunteering projects, encouraging them to develop and enhance facilities that will benefit the wider community.

The fund has been specifically designed to support projects that actively involve young people aged between 14 and 25 to gain experience of voluntary work, creating a project that can be enjoyed by the whole community.

Potential applicants should demonstrate their project complies with the 'nine principles of volunteering' as set out by the Youth Action Network, which are:

  • Youth Participation.
  • Benefiting Others.
  • Fun and Rewarding.
  • Flexibility.
  • Support.
  • Recognition.
  • Progression and Leadership.
  • Diverse and Inclusive.
  • Skills and Personal Development.

The deadlines for application are:

  • 10am 04 June 2010.
  • 10am 09 August 2010.
  • 10am 11 October 2010.

Eligible projects must:

  • Be aimed specifically at young people aged specifically between 14 and 25.
  • Comprehensively demonstrate that young people will be fully involved in the designing and development stages of the project.
  • Fall within one of SITA's 90 funding zones. To check the eligibility of projects go to the SITA post-code checker (opens in new window).
  • Must also comply with the rules of the Landfill Communities Fund (see guidance notes).

SITA can fund applications that wish to make improvements to any public amenities. These may include:

  • Historic buildings:
  • Place of worship.
  • Monuments.
  • Structures

Sport and recreation facilities:

  • Public Parks.
  • Sports fields and facilities.
  • Activity centres.
  • Cycle paths.
  • Sports Clubs.
  • Public playgrounds.
  • Public right of way and footpaths.
  • Bridle ways.
  • Country parks.
  • Skate parks.

Community facilities:

  • Museums.
  • Village greens.
  • Community halls.
  • Scout or guide huts.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Research on young people

I've picked up on two interesting pieces of research on young people this week.

Firstly, Jonny Baker takes a look at recent research on mission to young people here.

and the Demos project are looking at what the current life experience of young people is in their Anatomy of Youth which you can download for free here:

"An Anatomy of Youth is a portrait - or anatomy - of young people in 2010. It
looks at some of the challenges that young people can expect to face in the
decades ahead, including adapting to climate change, caring in new types of
families and acting as effective citizens.

For a generation which is resource and asset poor, a transfer of political power will be vital - if only to ensure that today's politics doesn't harm the wellbeing of future

Think Big!

If you have young people who are wanting to start something new in their community O2 have come up with Think Big whereby young people can get up to £2500 towards making that Big Think a big reality plus other benefits like free broadband.

Although they won't support specifically evangelistic events, community projects run by religious groups should qualify.

Check out their website for more details.


Do you have some talented young people?

Get involved with Shine Week 2010 12th-16th July to show off those talents. See more here.