At Inspire we discussed the issue of behaviour. If you weren't able to be there but feel the need to look at the issue of working with young peopel with challenging behaviour then you could try the following session:
Responding to Challenging Behaviour training with Nigel Pimlott of Frontier Youth trust:
Gloucester 6 June. info and booking.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Youth Work on the Edge
Advance notice - a network conference for those Christian based youth workers working with young people on the edge, outside the church, in hard to reach settings etc. September 2-3. Birmingham. A partnership event with FYT, Worth Unlimited, East to West, Living Well Trust, Church Urban Fund, 24/7 Prayer network. More details (including the title !!) to follow just as soon as they are available.
Summer Coffee bar
If you’re going to be in Worcester during the summer, Ashley from Worcester Are Schools Project is going to be running a summer coffee bar in St Helen’s with opportunities for sports and drama workshops courtesy of the sports and drama teams from Youth For Christ. There will also be worship at the end of each week, a barbecue and much more fun. Keep an eye on the WASP website for details.
Independence Day
If you’re in the Redditch area, the churches are organising a day to encourage young Christians over the weekend of Independence day 3rd-4th July. There’ll be a worship evening on Friday 3rd July and a day conference on Saturday 4th July about passion purpose and power, encouraging young people how to be Godly guys and Godly gals. Contact Stu Avis for more details.
Salt ‘n’ Light
If you loved Rock the Cathedral, you’ll be pleased to hear that the youth council are running an event on 12th September this year. Salt ‘n’ Light is a day (4-9pm) to encourage young Christians through workshops, prayer and worship. The Relentless Craving who were so popular at Rock the Cathedral are coming down to us again and the new line-up of Formal Affair will also be playing. Bishop David will also be joining us to share some wisdom.

ALM training

Do want to think more deeply about your role and how to understand children and young people and help them develop? Or do you want to know more about how teams work and how you might work with other young people in your local community? As part of the Authorised lay Ministry training starting in September, Emma Pettifer and I will be training those working with children and young people. See the enclosed flier and check out the diocesan pages for more details.
Latest resources
I’ve added a few things to our resource library since our last mailing:
In addition to the Mixing it up with The Simpsons book we now have season four of The Simpsons on DVD so you can borrow both and use the clips suggested in the book. We also now have The Miracle Maker not just on video but on DVD (3 copies). Another great new DVD resource for the diocese is called Talking About Prayer. This has over 20 short films addressing questions such as Why should we pray? What happens when we pray? And How do we pray? With wisdom from the likes of Beth and Matt Redman and R. T. Kendall. I’ve also invested in a few new books of games so as the summer sun breaks through, think about getting your young people outside! If you want some more inspiration for that why not take a look at the pages for those working with young people over at the Christians in Sport website for information about events, ideas for using sport as part of Bible Study and for free downloads.
We also now have a Playstation 2 with singstar and buzz. If you fancy trying out this resource with your youth group before investing in it for yourselves or if you just want a karaoke/quiz night as a one off, get in touch!
We now have the first few iCans. These are self-contained resource pots with everything you need to run a particular bible study, discussion, activity or worship session. Details of those now available and those that will be coming soon are on the separate flier. If you have any particular session you would like featured in these resources, please do get in touch.
In addition to the Mixing it up with The Simpsons book we now have season four of The Simpsons on DVD so you can borrow both and use the clips suggested in the book. We also now have The Miracle Maker not just on video but on DVD (3 copies). Another great new DVD resource for the diocese is called Talking About Prayer. This has over 20 short films addressing questions such as Why should we pray? What happens when we pray? And How do we pray? With wisdom from the likes of Beth and Matt Redman and R. T. Kendall. I’ve also invested in a few new books of games so as the summer sun breaks through, think about getting your young people outside! If you want some more inspiration for that why not take a look at the pages for those working with young people over at the Christians in Sport website for information about events, ideas for using sport as part of Bible Study and for free downloads.
We also now have a Playstation 2 with singstar and buzz. If you fancy trying out this resource with your youth group before investing in it for yourselves or if you just want a karaoke/quiz night as a one off, get in touch!
We now have the first few iCans. These are self-contained resource pots with everything you need to run a particular bible study, discussion, activity or worship session. Details of those now available and those that will be coming soon are on the separate flier. If you have any particular session you would like featured in these resources, please do get in touch.
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