The fantastic we love our youthworker
charter has now
launched. There are lots of
resources including the wonderful
Dave Walker's cartoons especially commisioned for the charter.If you are part of a church which employs a youthworker, check out their 7 point charter:
We will pray and support We believe that our youth worker needs spiritual support in their work with young people.
We promise to pray for our youth worker and keep their needs a high priority in the church’s prayer life.
We will give space for retreat and reflection We believe that taking time to think and pray is just as essential for our youth worker as organising events and meeting young people.
We promise to encourage our youth worker to use part of their schedule to give space for retreat, reflection and personal development.
We will provide ongoing training and development We believe that learning the skills of youth work is an ongoing process and that it’s important to continually invest in professional development.
We promise to set aside time and money to provide this for our youth worker.
We will give a full day of rest each week We believe that taking regular time off helps maintain our youth worker’s passion and energy for their work with young people.
We promise to actively encourage our youth worker to take a day away from their role each week to do something different.
We will share responsibility We believe that having a youth worker does not release the rest of the church from our responsibilities towards young people.
We promise to encourage everyone to play a part in volunteering, praying for or supporting young people.
We will strive to be an excellent employer We believe that it’s important to have clear structures and procedures for recruiting and employing a youth worker, and to provide supportive management structures.
We promise to follow good practice guidelines in the way we employ our youth worker.
We will celebrate and appreciate We believe it’s vital to acknowledge what our youth worker is doing and the commitment they have made to work with young people in our church.
We promise to make sure our youth worker knows they are appreciated and we will celebrate their achievements.
I'm so pleased to see that this is finally here. All churches employing youthworkers wiull get so much more out of their youthworkers by following this.
I can almost hear my blog readers asking - what about we love our vicar/organist/sunday school teacher/curate/flower arranger/verger/chorister/warden/deacon/cleaner/worship leader/house group leader/children's worker/steward/lay reader/evangelist*?
Well perhaps this should spur us on to look at all those whom churches employ and all those who give their time for free.
*delete as applicable